This is the way it should be.
I already gave the whole damn week to my job. If I sleep all weekend just so I’m rested and ready for Monday, then I’m basically giving them my whole weekend, too!
No. The weekend is MINE.
Same. I love waking up early on the weekend. I dont ever do it on purpose but when it does happen it honestly feels great.
I’m working on reestablishing mine. I’ve set an alarm for 5:45. I snooze it, cuddle my wife, and ten minutes later, when it goes off again, I get up. Every day. No exceptions. I immediately take my meds, and maybe play some games on the Switch with my headphones until about 7:00, at which point I take my dogs out, poop, make breakfast, and do something else. If it’s the workweek, I sign into work at 7:30. If it’s the weekend, I might empty the dishwasher, play some more video games, then take my dogs to the park at 9:00 because that’s when everyone else shows up.
I’m also working on performing certain tasks at regular intervals. Wednesday and Sunday are for doing laundry. If I keep that up, it takes five minutes to hang and fold it all. I do try to empty the dishwasher each morning if I can. Saturday evening, before I shower, is for changing the cat litter. And Saturday morning is for prepping my breakfast for the week.
I’m really trying to get back into routines. And being medicated for my ADHD makes it feel so achievable. For the first time probably ever, it feels good to move my body and not be snacking all the time. It’s wild, man.
What are you doing for your breakfast prep? My wife and I have been wanting to start prepping for a while now
For now, I’m doing “McDonald’s at Home” lol I make biscuits and sausage patties ahead of time. You can make all of your eggs ahead of time, but I like to make my eggs when I eat them. And reheat your biscuits in an oven or toaster oven. Otherwise, the texture ain’t right. If you somehow made too much steak last night, you can use that in place of the sausage. Steak for breakfast makes me feel like a king lol Having biscuits on hand adds some flexibility because I love biscuits and gravy. I’ll also make a breakfast casserole from eggs, sausage, cheese, unrolled croissant dough, and bell and jalapeno peppers. I’ve tried doing biscuit crusts from scratch before, but it’s a lot of work when the alternative is busting open a can of croissant rolls lol
I really like tamago kake gohan for being quick, easy, and delicious. In case you’ve never tried it, I use my instant pot to make super sticky rice the night before. You reheat the rice in the microwave, crack a raw egg into it, and add some Japanese soy sauce. Then you use chopsticks to pretty violently whip it all together until it’s got kind of a creamy texture. You can have a hot bowl in under 3 minutes. It’s stupid simple and fast.
And again, steak for breakfast is awesome. I’ll get a cheaper cut like a sirloin, dice it up, and cook it through in my cast iron. Then I scramble some eggs and add a little of the steak and top with shredded cheese. A small bowl of steak and eggs really keeps me feeling full all day like >90% of the time.
I’ve done “Chick-fil-A at Home” too. That’s not one I make ahead of time. It’s just a chicken strip or some popcorn chicken in the air fryer, one scrambled egg, shredded cheese, and a tortilla. I’ll use the carb balance tortillas that have extra fiber. And hot sauce if that’s your thing. Salsa also goes very well on it.
Good on you
I’m exhausted just reading about all this. Think I’ll go back to sleep for a bit.
damn, maybe I could set up a routine like that one day (my mirtazapine is making it a bit easier though)
That would literally be me right now. I just said fuck it, got up and now I’m browsing Lemmy
Circadian? Is that like a clown circus act?
My wife works nights and is mostly alone all night, so I try to stay up late so she has someone to talk to. Unfortunately I also have a shifting schedule that changes every week, so I can’t ever get into a sleeping pattern.
Without fail and regardless of what time I went to sleep, every day between 630-7am I wake up. And if I’ve had more than 4 hours of total sleep, there’s 0 chance of me going back to sleep no matter how tired I feel.
My body is a MACHINE. It’s BREAKING DOWN and things FALL OUT of it sometimes.
Did you go to bed at 22? You did, didn’t you?
I’m 46, I wish I could go to bed at 22 again.
One day I went to bed at 22 and woke up in my 40s. Where did it all go?
This is not my beautiful house, this is not my beautiful wife. HOW DID I GET HERE!!
At 22, I did not go to bed. The night was alive, and the world was my oyster.
My body naturally stayed up til 2:00.
My cat’s body naturally woke up my toddler at 7:00.
I’m so sleepy.
I woke up at 7:38 this morning and immediately panicked and jumped out of bed because I was late for work. I clock in at 7:30
It’s Sunday and I don’t work Sundays. My body tricked me. I feel betrayed. Went back to sleep and woke up at 11
It is a gift
immediately falls back asleep
at this point I believe we are blessed
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I wish I could sleep til 7am any day.
Honestly, I always liked getting up early on weekends (at least before I had kids). Those hours been 7 and 10 were mine in a way that my other free time wasn’t. Because everyone else wanted to sleep in, I had no social obligations and thus could do whatever I wanted. There was a certain joy to having all my weekend chores done early. Or, if I didn’t want to do chores, I could just relax and not worry about trying to align with anyone else’s schedule.
I woke up at 12.40pm today.
I was awake at 4:30am because I have an awful cough at the moment.