The default nature of Lemmy—and federation in general—means that content posted and shared across instances may take time to be deleted. If you find content here that violates the rules, the privacy of yourself or others, or causes any other sort of harm, please let the administrator(s) know. We will review and remove questionable content, but we can not guarantee that the deletion will be honored across all other linked instances.
Orcas Enjoying Yachts will never track your usage, has no access to your user account, and will never do anything to violate user privacy. The goal of this community is to respect and enforce the privacy and safety of its users, while giving you a space that is safe from corporate greed, data harvesting, and other questionable capitalist antics.
We only require your email during sign up so that we can deter bots from registering and keep the community in the hands of humans. We also require it for your convenience for things like password resets. We will never use your email for anything else and administrators can’t see it. If you’re not comfortable using your own personal email address, tools like Temp Mail and Throwaway Email are available.