I don’t like Root Beer.
I love root beer, but not Mug. That stuff is awful.
I used to love Barq’s as a kid, but at some point I just lost my taste for it.
Once I cracked my first bottle of IBC, Barqs never tasted the same
I miss IBC I think they went bust or some shit so you can’t find them anymore.
Glancing at ibc in Instacart it looks like ibc is still available where I am
You’re right about them going bust, but they were bought by Keurig/Dr. Pepper and is in stores, just probably none near you. My local Walmart has it.
It’s insidious!
Take unlimited root beer, use it to flood England, 2 birbs 1 stone
But that much root beer would raise the sea level! Then again it would make the sea near europe mildly root beer flavored for a while…
How to get both England AND the Netherlands in one stroke
Prevent them from taking over the world
Considering the iceshelf is losing hundreds of billions of tones into the ocean every year I imagine the amount of rootbeer needed to flood England would make the whole world taste like rootbeer. Also possibly make mold the dominant life form on Earth for a long time.
Where can you get the infinite root beer?
Can you summon them anywhere you want? Can you summon them inside other people to kill them?
Can you only summon them right in front of you?
Is there just a place that when you take one, another one appears? If so, what would happen if you held your hand where it was supposed to appear?
For all 4 cases, what happens to the air where the cans appear?
Is there just a portal from where you can put your hand in to grsb the beer? Could you push people in the pirtal?
Asking the real questions here
He saved the world. He somehow made a truly infinite renewable resource and we used it for energy, water, and growing crops.
Which is what I’d like people to say about me, but their hitmen are after me. They know my gift would not even ruin them, but even that small threat to a loss of profit is too much for them.
I’m on the run, but wherever I go, I try to help those in need of a crisp refreshing beverage. They can’t root me out, you beerter believe it.
Coming this summer: Mug Shot
Just surround yourself with cans at all times. If someone is trying to attack you, constantly replace the cans
Could you push people in the pirtal?
Day 982. I have accepted my fate. I will never escape the Mug dimension. I drink another root beer. It tastes like blood. I’m glad for the new sensation.
Hammer space rules apply.
Manifesting them 1000s of feet in the air could be fun.
While the image crosses through Wales, I am going to assume it, Scotland, and Northern Ireland would be spared.
Sorry, England. I’m having a mug moment.
I’m having a mug moment.
Sounds very funny to English ears, as it happens.
Hella mug Moment, bruh
I mean, only England seems to be highlighted. I don’t know mug, I don’t know if I’ve ever tried root beer, I don’t think I’d miss it.
Still, there are some nice things I like from England - Games Workshop, for instance, some Internet buddies, probably more things I’m not aware of…
I guess I could find people that enjoy root beer (or are in dire need of potable hydration of any sort) and see about donating it to them. I could sell some through local retailers and restaurants to cover the expenses.
Choose wisely. The hopes and dreams of the Scottish nation rest on you.
i dont drink alcohol. edit: lol at people that cant stand a harmless joke, i dont even freaking know what root beer is and i doubt its even comercialized in my country, hate for uk tho can be world wide
Root beer is alcohol free.
Thank god i also dont like alcohol free beer then
It is also not really beer.
I only drink water
Thank God someone is clueless about root beer, so that I have more root beer.
You are in luck then, because the majority of the world’s population is clueless about root beer.
root beer has absolutely nothing to do with beer though, apart from the name.
I use arch btw.
It’s like a sweetened, fizzy sassafras drink. Pretty good depending where you get it.
The USA has a weird thing where we use the words for alcoholic drinks to describe non-alcoholic ones. We also call spiced fruit drinks “cider” and actual cider “hard cider”. Not sure why.
Trivium found on Wikipedia:
The guy that commercialised it was a teetotaller and wanted it to be called Root Tea, but because his target market were miners in Pennsylvania, he opted to call it Root Beer instead.
From my understanding, that title would be more accurate too, as it is produced from molasses with extract rather than grain mash, but my source is “skimmed Wikipedia” on both topics, so you should probably default to skepticism.
Either way, it apparently doesn’t taste like beer, comes in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic* variants, usually doesn’t contain caffeine and has a ton of flavours and variants from all over the world. If you care, you probably can find some.
*The process does involve fermentation, so I assume it will contain some ethanol still, even if it’s below the threshold for the “non-alcoholic” label, in case that’s an issue for you.
Bye bye Terf Island 👋
Rowling lives in Scotland though
“We have some new mold for you in Birmingham!” and then take the offer
Can I warn Steph Sterling, Laura Dale and Hbomberguy, before I decide?
How dare they hold Hbomberguy hostage.
I don’t want to get rid of England fr, but I also don’t want Mug fr, so, like, can we get rid of France instead
Then it’s too easy a decision!
I don’t like mug root beer. Easy choice
It’s the rootbeer isn’t it?
They said England is no more, but that red X is also deleting Wales and Northern Ireland.
This could also just be an implication of a name change. So “England” is no more, but it’s now called “Angland.”
One could interpret it as all the localities with their own distinct cultures are freed from the yolk of the Bri’ish crown. Tolkien loved England but hated the Bri’ish empire as an example.
and a small part of france, but not scotland
Acceptable casualties
Can I pick neither? I’m more of a Barqs man.
I’m not the biggest fan of Mug, but I’ve loved this past week in England. So I guess I have unlimited, crappy, root beer for me.
Not A&W… Sorry England.