Do you want a fascist dicatorship? 'Cause letting assholes be dangerously wrong without pushback is how you get a fascist dictatorship.
I have MAGA family members and it’s not just 1+1=5. It’s a word-vomit tsunami of absolute bullshit. And if you convince them that point 1/367 is not factual, they won’t accept that it disqualifies anything else (including the idea that he never tells lies), and you will have to re-prove that point 1/367 is not factual a few weeks later. It’s exhausting, and I’m fairly sure that is the point (and I’m fairly sure this is also an actual Russian propaganda technique called a “firehose of falsehoods”, regardless of whether it’s being used in that context).
That’s when it’s time to shame, ridicule, ostracize, and exile. People like that do not deserve the benefits of living in a society.
Why ARE WE randomly capitalizing CERTAIN WORDS for no APPARENT reason?
YOU’RE absolutely correct, ENJOY.
It feels kinda like how comic books bold words for emphasis, and just about as randomly applied
YeAh. We ShOuLd CaPiTaLiZe EvErY oThEr LeTtEr InStEaD.
BECAUSE if we leave too much SPACE between capitalized KEYWORDS they blend TOGETHER, we get BORED and stop reading the SENTENCE
They even capitalised the NUMBERS
YOU’RE absolutely correct, ENJOY.
That’s probably not a bad approach in general, but sometimes shit matters.