Is Arc considered obscure?
Is Arc considered obscure?
62 years old. Boarding just a little (bunny slope) once or twice a year. Heading up next week.
Heading to my step mother’s funeral
But only if that sexual odor is “pronounced”
What do you love about Kanazawa? Should I visit there?
What’s the correct usage? and the wrong one you’ve been hearing?
We pray for you
I have no idea what they are talking about.
Always buy from the grocery store sample person.
Sounds like a very insular community…
Strictly Ballroom
Pear, gorgonzola and arugula. It was delicious. I ate the whole thing and now I’m ashamed of myself.
I’m still on Google Keep. Please, tell me why I should switch.
And they don’t cause any problems!
OnePlus charges so fast this isn’t a problem anymore
What does the K2 name tag signify?
Strictly Ballroom. Baz’s first film
Read and learn
Same with the defeat of apartheid in South Africa. They let the monsters live and now fascism is being rebuilt in America.