Optimized tomato sauce
for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++) window.clearInterval(i);let f = eval(updateTomato.toString().replace('tomato.src = \"/splat.png\";', 'if (tomato.splat)return;tomato.src = \"/splat.png\";tomato.splat = true;'));picture.onclick = eval(picture.onclick.toString().replace("updateTomato(tomato);", "f(tomato);"));setInterval(() => { document.querySelectorAll(".tomato").forEach(f); }, 10);
Optimized Tomato minigun (requieres Optimized tomato sauce hack)
picture.onmousemove = picture.onclick
Tomato cleaner
let b = document.createElement("button");b.textContent = "Clear";b.onclick = () => { document.querySelectorAll(".tomato").forEach((t) => { t.remove(); }); };document.getElementsByClassName("col")[0].appendChild(b);
I think it might be worth developing some kind of Linux installer on place that is capable of removing Windows and replace it with some Linux flavor. Just one USB, some space in your disk and Linux is installed without data loss