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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Heat is electromagnetic radiation - photons, sound is mechanical displacement - phonons.

    They mostly propagate the same due to being waves, in most other respects they are very different.

    Heat convection is an entirely separate process where heat radiation is aided by the movement of the surrounding medium. Where it would otherwise heat up it’s environment, convection keeps the environment from heating up. Compare coffee in a thermos (very little convection) to a cup you’re blowing on (significant convection); more air movement - more cooling.

    Also, destructive interference does not at all work like that.

    Maybe a more useful analogy could be that waves have like walking animations, where in part of the animation they go up, and in another part they go down. Destructive interference happens when a wave in its’ “up” phase crosses a wave in it’s “down”, meaning the resulting movement looks like nothing. The waves don’t however interact in any way, and will continue on their way and on their own animation cycles.

    The shifting and heating parts are technically true but require very specific circumstances, enough so that I’m more prone to believe it’s another misunderstanding of the physics behind this. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

  • Or you could have a cool siege type episode.

    The cult can’t kill the adventurers yet, because they have to prepare the compound for the onslaught of the law and mob. They need to prepare arrows and reagents for the palisades/walls, prepare wards/rituals/cauldrons of hot water, organise the defensive teams, and the High priest needs their guards to protect the ritual of the demolition wave that will wipe out the assailants/everything outside the ritual circle for a mile wide radius after a long ritual that in it’s haste is leaking dangerous magics making a fight in the ritual room that much more hazardous.

    The captured adventurers of course escape their improvised cages/fetters in time to sabotage and/or infiltrate the defences and let the law and mob in. And fight their way to the inner chamber just as the ritual is nearing it’s climax.

    Bonus cinematic points if the ritual chamber is marked by a pillar of darkness, swirling clouds centered on it, or similar so that the outside sorcerer knows where to go.

  • A stereotypical high drama continuation could be:

    The cult know the law is on it’s way, and must now accelerate their plans for the final ritual to summon the dark lord to protect them and show the world the Might That Will Usher In the New Era.

    Fortunately, the hapless adventurers could be just the sacrifice needed to boost the final steps.

    If you need to kill time, the ritual might be preceded by a set of cage fights to find the most worthy sacrifice. Or an elaborate set of trials. Or they’re stripped of equipment and/or drained of magic before having to fight themselves out of the situation long enough for the cavalry to get there.

    Bonus out is both the summoned Big Bad as a boss fight, or if they derail, they might find themselves fighting the High Priest and their most enthusiastic lieutenant/followers while they perform a ritual that adds puzzle like elements to the fight (the boss priest has a shield as long as the followers live, or elemental pillars that have to be destroyed before damaging the priest, etc).

    Of course the cavalry arrives just in time, and the mob of townsfolk spread out to fight the cultists, so that only a few arrive to aid at the boss fight.

  • I understand that this information is against your internal narrative, but a quick look at data for 2021 shows:

    One in two women and one in five men felt unsafe walking alone after dark in a busy public place.

    And data from 2022 shows 45% for the same measure.

    As for harassment:

    2022 - 55% of women 16-34 felt harassed

    2021 - Three out of five, 60% felt harassed during the year.

    Twice as many women reported being harassed as men, and several reported changing their behaviour because of harassment.

    This is also echoed in international studies over multiple cultures. Women are much more often harassed than men, almost exclusively by men, and have more limited freedoms, expressions and rights than men.

    This is not controversial, it is well established in study after study, there is an actual right answer to this, and it’s not the one you’re proposing.

    How is it that you keep ignoring data when faced with it, and instead of presenting supportive data resort to arguing feelings and whataboutisms?

    Edit: Link to 2022 raw data