You guys in these comments should all buy light dimming stickers
Sunbeam Radiant control toasters sell working used on ebay for $100-200
You can buy them not working for under $50
90% of the not working ones can be fixed by adjusting tension
He will always be known to me as the toaster guy that taught me how to make a quick $100
Its worse at spelling than twitter users somehow
It just sends a request to the ads
They only recycle resin id codes 1,2,5 commonly
Most likely 2.5g WiFi deauth. 5g fixes it and the companies just put 2.5g chips that are affected by this. Not that hard to use 5g chips.
Edit: Jamming Jamming is different. At that point use Ethernet
Solving for x typically is when you need to get the inverse of an equation
Remind me to do my algebra homework in the next 18 hours (this is secretly me passing off responsibility to you)
Vandalize the vandalism page
Fuck Roku, they won’t let me set the dns server to my pi hole
“The consumer’s kids could change that setting and the consumer wouldn’t be able to change it back to a valid dns server”
It’s called sous vide
I just don’t want my homies to get salmonella
I’m running on 2 years of being ghosted
I’m never drinking, I’m never smoking/vaping, never doing coke, meth heroin, or drugs that can cause addiction
Your 20 step plan is far too many steps rather than stuffing an envelope with a $50, slapping stamps on it and mailing it
Is the VPN Mullvad? I’m just gonna mail them cash when I decide to buy it
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