That’s why you always have to ask: “really?”
That’s why you always have to ask: “really?”
Or national hero, depending on who you ask
Because that’s all the games they have. Imagine they would also suck. People who bought a ps5 would feel even dumber
Religion is wild. When i tell people that i don’t drink alcohol they think it’s either for religious reason or because i’m a former alcoholic. When i tell them that i simply don’t like it, i’m weird. Somehow it’s less weird to not drink because of some pedo magic man from the past said i’m not allowed to.
Those were the good old days. These days amazon reviews are: New 2024 Stainless Steel knive HD super sharp i like. *****
Talking to my two young barbers is kinda surreal sometimes. They always ask me if i play video games, because that’s pretty much everything we have in common. But for them playing video games means buying every call of duty and every fifa as soon as possible. It’s just the normal thing to do for them. They don’t care who makes the game or if it’s good or anything. I play a few niche games, but they have never heard of anything i ever played. Apex? Destiny? Overwatch? Never heard of it.
Did you just fix menal health?
Now malaria and bird flu is having a battle royale
We gotta make everything reddit. What does the narwhal bacon here? I vote opossum and curry. Is that le random enough?
I find it odd when i go to a random barber who is 19-25 or so asks me what i like. I tell them video games, but it never results into anything, because to them videogames are usually fifa or call of duty. They have never even heard of the games i play. Compared to when i was like 10, everyone seemed to play the same games.
The great brand that was twitter hahahaha
Jackhammers are so loud, haven’t they heard of a hammer yet? I am very smart btw.
I’ll let my gas powered leaf blower running all day now to make your woke blower useless. Get owned, sucker
I used to listen to his podcast. It was never the podcast i was really looking forward to, but it was a good filler. I havend listened to it in like a year or two, and i don’t miss it at all. It was kinda just noise after a while.
I think no one likes to learn things they have no interest in, and it’s generally harder. For me it sometimes feels like when in a movie a grenade goes off and all you hear is that loud peeeeep. I know i should listen, i know it’s very important but my brain just shuts off, and there is very little i can do. I can force myself to listen but the peeeep only gets quieter, but it’s never gone.
In middle school i had this game where i would look at the teacher when he was talking and see how long i could sit there without listening. I thought that’s the kind of thing everyone did. I went to a new school and i was way ahead in math foe example, so i would spend most of the time just not paying attention at all. I’m not joking when i blinked once and suddenly i didn’t recognise anything on the whiteboard. I was like: holy shit, what happened, how long was i gone?
I watched return of the body snatchers when i was around 8. The movie itself doesn’t scare me anymore at all, but the feeling i had when i had when i had to run home at night still haunts me.
May i pay 60 dollars for a 10 year old game mayhaps?
Tell me you are a redditor without telling me you are a redditor
Nature is healing