Mobile Suit Gundam is a long running mecha franchise that created the “Real Robot” genre. To give a brief explanation, the Real Robot genre typically has a more militaristic feel where …
Just recently watched all of UC up until victory, the quality drop is pretty jarring and as much of a Gundam fan as I am I haven’t gotten past the first 14 or so episodes. Zeta is the bomb, ZZ not so much but the closure from Zeta is nice.
Yea both of those are actually awesome as well. My favorite suit is actually the Kampfer. Both are really well written and very enjoyable. Sucks they’re so short but maybe that’s part of why they’re so good.
Just recently watched all of UC up until victory, the quality drop is pretty jarring and as much of a Gundam fan as I am I haven’t gotten past the first 14 or so episodes. Zeta is the bomb, ZZ not so much but the closure from Zeta is nice.
Victory gets ok… but you pretty much nailed it. I actually think the side shots are the golden child, 0083 & 08th ms team hit hard.
Yea both of those are actually awesome as well. My favorite suit is actually the Kampfer. Both are really well written and very enjoyable. Sucks they’re so short but maybe that’s part of why they’re so good.