Pages/Apps like Threads make me feel really insecure and insignificant, like my self esteem lost all its value and the only thing I want is to be relevant, to matter to people. And because those things are very difficult unless you’re a celebrity, it creates frustration, shattered dreams, more impatience, depression, and a deep feeling of irrelevance. I don’t want that in my life, especially being myself a neurodivergent person. My goal is to create relationships, not footmen.
Pages/Apps like Threads make me feel really insecure and insignificant, like my self esteem lost all its value and the only thing I want is to be relevant, to matter to people. And because those things are very difficult unless you’re a celebrity, it creates frustration, shattered dreams, more impatience, depression, and a deep feeling of irrelevance. I don’t want that in my life, especially being myself a neurodivergent person. My goal is to create relationships, not footmen.