Not as bad, but people interested in Ancient Greece / Rome / classical studies tend to be somewhat conservative. It’s (to some extent) the only part of academia which is overtly conservative.
But yeah, you can do a lot worse, that’s relatively mild
Holy Roman Empire is the first Reich. That however was a medieval Empire, which was holy, so the pope can fuck off, Roman as in someties doing some Rome Larps and actually an Empire.
Not as bad, but people interested in Ancient Greece / Rome / classical studies tend to be somewhat conservative. It’s (to some extent) the only part of academia which is overtly conservative.
But yeah, you can do a lot worse, that’s relatively mild
The Roman empire is the first reich according to Nazis
So it is also the first red flag
Holy Roman Empire is the first Reich. That however was a medieval Empire, which was holy, so the pope can fuck off, Roman as in someties doing some Rome Larps and actually an Empire.
Really? With all the gay sex?