• Flying Squid
    147 days ago

    I’d say it’s okay to show someone your child’s genitalia when they’ve already seen it anyway.

    • @shottymcb@lemm.ee
      197 days ago

      Yep, my wife has seen my little baby wiener. The awkward teenage pictures were far more embarrassing though. Hers are buried in a hoarder house so I might never get to see her embarrassing school band photos.

          • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
            35 days ago

            Yeah, definitely. At best they’re arguing tooth and nail for embarrassing their child in front of their partner, if not outright CP.

            Major ick.

      • Flying Squid
        17 days ago

        Right? All you’re doing is saying, “when I saw it last, it was a lot smaller than when you saw it.”

    • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
      17 days ago

      Seeing someone naked as an adult isn’t the same thing as seeing them naked as a minor.

      You do see that, right?

      • Flying Squid
        97 days ago

        Dude, this has been a traditional way for parents to embarrass their adult children in front of their partner for decades. My wife has seen my naked baby pictures without my parents even showing them to her. And I’ve seen hers. What’s the big deal? It’s not like either of us found them sexy.

        • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
          147 days ago

          Chopping part of your child’s dick off has also been traditional for decades, that’s a very poor justification for that behaviour.

        • KillingTimeItself
          7 days ago

          it’s still weird (source, i have parents), at least ask your daughter for consent first.

          I’d consider it to be a breach of my privacy otherwise.

          • Flying Squid
            137 days ago

            They’re baby pictures. We’re not talking about something erotic here. Naked babies are not some sort of scandalous thing. In most cultures, they’re normal.

            • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
              15 days ago

              Taking photos of naked children isn’t, and shouldn’t, be normal in any culture I’m familiar with, and you definitely shouldn’t be showing them to anyone.

              • Flying Squid
                -25 days ago

                Well you should get familiar with Finnish culture and then start berating the Finnish guy who chimed in and said it was totally normal.

                You know what an immoral, shithole country Finland is though.

                  • Flying Squid
                    -35 days ago

                    It’s not my fault that you reply to all of my comments and don’t bother reading other people’s. It’s right there for you to read.

                    When are you going to contact lemmy.world admin to have me reported to the authorities for child abuse and the possession of child pornography?

            • KillingTimeItself
              7 days ago

              i didn’t take them and i didn’t consent to them existing either. Neither did i consent to them being shown to anybody.

              Naked humans are also normal, yet we still wear clothes. babies included, weirdly enough.

              At what point does “naked baby photos” turn to “naked children photos” is my question.

              how about this. You can have your naked baby photos, you just also have to be in the photo and naked as well.

              • Flying Squid
                7 days ago

                i didn’t take them and i didn’t consent to them existing either. Neither did i consent to them being shown to anybody.

                Based on that reasoning, I should not show anyone any photo of my child until they were old enough to consent to them being taken.

                You can have your naked baby photos, you just also have to be in the photo and naked as well.

                I’m not embarrassed by my body and if that’s what her partner really wants to see, I don’t care.

                • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
                  77 days ago

                  Based on that reasoning, I should not show anyone any photo of my child until they were old enough to consent to them being taken.

                  This is actually solid advice, especially as far as social media is concerned.

                  • Flying Squid
                    27 days ago

                    We’re not talking about social media, we’re talking about the significant other of my child. Or even relatives. I didn’t get my daughter’s permission to take her photo when she was a baby, so I shouldn’t have sent a photo to my father on the other side of the country based on this reasoning.

                • KillingTimeItself
                  16 days ago

                  Based on that reasoning, I should not show anyone any photo of my child until they were old enough to consent to them being taken.

                  based on that reasoning i shouldnt expose my child to the visual perception of other people who exist outside in the chance that one of them non consensually perceives my child.

                  You wouldn’t expose your child naked in public, why would you expose them naked on picture?

                  I’m not embarrassed by my body and if that’s what her partner really wants to see, I don’t care.

                  that’s great, the implication there is that you’re still showing it to other people, and if we’re talking family and friends, i don’t know many people that would want that.

                  • Flying Squid
                    16 days ago

                    You wouldn’t expose your child naked in public,

                    How exactly do you think someone changes a diaper at a park?

        • Tbf child marriage is also traditional, Muhammed had a 9yo bride (it’s “ok,” he didn’t have sex with her until she was 11.)

          Defending things based solely on tradition can get pretty weird sometimes.

          • Flying Squid
            -66 days ago

            That’s a tradition that ended a long time ago. I’m talking about traditions that are ongoing. Also traditions that, despite someone else’s claim, probably don’t cause any psychological harm, at least most of the time.

            • I think you may be surprised and hopefully disturbed by this UNICEF article.

              Despite a steady decline in this harmful practice over the past decade, child marriage remains widespread, with approximately one in five girls married in childhood across the globe. Today, multiple crises – including conflict, climate shocks and the ongoing fallout from COVID-19 – are threatening to reverse progress towards eliminating this human rights violation. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals call for global action to end child marriage by 2030.

              So no, it was not “a long time ago.” It’s “hopefully by 2030.”

              Also traditions that, despite someone else’s claim, probably don’t cause any psychological harm, at least most of the time.

              Oh, so as long as you don’t believe the person and can therefore invalidate their feelings without guilt, and it only psychologically hurts “some” people who you I suppose arbitrarily believe over the ones you don’t, it’s fine?

              Not sure I can agree with you on this one.

              • Flying Squid
                -66 days ago

                Believe what person? Hurts some people?

                I have asked for evidence that it hurts anyone and have not received it.

                • Also traditions that, despite someone else’s claim, probably don’t cause any psychological harm, at least most of the time.

                  Actually you asked for nothing, you made a whole lot of assumptions instead. And

                  evidence that it hurts anyone

                  Here again you invalidate the feelings of those telling you with their own words that they don’t like it. The evidence they don’t like it is them telling you they don’t like it, you don’t need a scientific paper to corroborate that some people find it objectionable, you just dismiss them because you want to partake in the behavior they find objectionable.

                  • Flying Squid
                    -36 days ago

                    I absolutely asked for evidence. I just didn’t ask you for evidence. Weird that you apparently read through my comments and didn’t see that.

                    And not one person has told me that they were personally hurt by this happening to them. They have just said that it is wrong.

                    You show me the person in this thread who said it caused them pain. I can’t invalidate feelings that people don’t have. Someone not liking something has nothing to do with whether or not that thing causes trauma or any sort of psychological damage to anyone unless it caused them that damage.

                    And now I am asking you for evidence. Please quote the person that was hurt by their parents doing this.

        • @Rekorse@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          6 days ago

          You do understand that to cultures where this isnt the norm, it sounds ridiculous to show naked pictures of your child when they were an infant to, well anyone?

          It being a tradition has no bearing on it being awful or not. Circumcision is a tradition.

          I’m sure you can find a more modern way to embarrass your child without resorting to CP?

          • Flying Squid
            6 days ago

            Which cultures? And why do they get to decide what is right and what is wrong?

            Also, naked photos of children are not child porn. Do you think they come out of the womb with clothes on?

            I had to clean shit out of my daughter’s vagina regularly when I changed her diapers. Was that, similarly, sexual assault?

            • @Rekorse@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              6 days ago

              I personally have no use for pictures of baby genitals, but you really do huh? It even makes you upset we want to take away your baby genital pictures huh?

              Is this some perverse form of individualism?

              Edit: if you took a picture of you cleaning your daughters vagina out, and showed someone, yes that would be child porn and child abuse.

              • Flying Squid
                16 days ago

                Again- they don’t come out of the womb with clothes on. Are parents not supposed to take a picture of their newly-born child or should they put a fig leaf on them?

                I’ve asked several times- if this is child pornography, find me an example of someone getting in legal trouble for having a naked photo of their own baby on their phone. One person.

                • @Rekorse@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  16 days ago

                  Were you even in the room with your newborns? Both of mine were moved to a table, cleaned up, and swaddled. I would have had to literally interrupt them to take a genital picture of them.

                  But I guess where you live, they pause first and ask if you want a full naked body shot? Cool tradition, I know you love those.

                  I’m sure noone has been in trouble for ONLY having their naked child’s pictures on their phone, but I’m sure those pictures have ended up in CP collections. I’m sure you have perfect opsec though so its fine.

                  Legality as side, since its not the law preventing me from abusing children anyways, I’m arguing that its morally wrong. Plenty of immoral actions are legal from my perspective.

                  Why does your perspective need baby genitals to be featured again?

                  • Flying Squid
                    06 days ago

                    No one paused anything. My wife gave my mother-in-law a camera and she took a picture because my wife asked her to. Then we sent that picture to my father and my mother who was on a layover in an airport.

                    I assume no one masturbated to it.

                    And who is featuring them? Certainly not me. Have I shown them to you? No. And i wouldn’t.

        • @x4740N@lemm.ee
          -16 days ago

          Today I learned flying squid is okay with this kind of thing and that’s fucked up

          It’s a violation of privacy & consent

    • @x4740N@lemm.ee
      -16 days ago

      NO IT IS NOT

      Always get the consent of the now adult that was in the picture as a child or don’t take the picture if they are still a child

      • Flying Squid
        -16 days ago

        Dude, do you think I would intentionally cause my child actual pain? My god.