Muchas gracias
Well, yes, actually, there is!
Exxon figured that they’re already good with molecular logistics, so rather than (only) ramp up renewables (which requires new infrastructure for electrical energy management), they’re trying to become the leader in the carbon-capture market.
They’re predicting the carbon-capture market to hit $50 billion by 2030 and as much as $4 trillion by 2050 as industry standards change to require more stringent carbon-footprint management.
Honestly not the worst idea, although it’s def more of a bandaid than a solution. Only issue is that it’s big, bad Exxon, who’s capitalist-style fossil-fuel production is part of what got us into this mess, but, again, this is kinda right in their wheelhouse.
Idk, I counter the “God created Earth” argument with the Biblical injunction to Noah and his descendants to be good “stewards of creation” after the Great Flood, which usually works to end that line of flawed reasoning, at least.
E.g., “God created the world, yes, but he gave humanity dominion over the Earth and trusted us to govern it well. We’ve been given 10 talents (aka gold coins), and when the Master returns we better have used the first to earn 10 more rather than bury them like the frightened servant or waste them like the prodigal son.”
Maybe I’m too participatory, but you can sway religious peeps by arguing using the same framework they do. Worked pretty well on my Catholic parents, although they still question the “degree to which humanity is responsible for global warming,” meh.
The efficacy also be dependent on which denomination of Christianity you’re arguing with, though, since the argument kinda relies on exercising free will and choosing to be responsible as part of the effort to go to heaven, which might not play super well with crazy predestination theology…
As for the echo chambers, yeah, idk what to do about that.
Wait what’s the latest Marvel Disney show?
Only Morrisey could write something so real and touching and somehow sound douchey doing it.
Well, an EU study a few years back found that online piracy has little affect on actual legal sales, except for newly released movies which took like a 4.4% knock on their box-office sales.
Games apparently see an increase in sales, with 100 illegal downloads spurring 24 additional legal transactions than would have otherwise occurred.
Here’s a link to the study itself for anyone interested in getting into the weeds.
That said, I support studios/musicians/devs that I care about by buying their stuff.
I refuse to subscribe to the 10+ mainstream streaming services, though. I’m voting with my money, and the current streaming landscape is just as anti-consumer as cable TV was before it.
You guys are buying shows and movies?
Yeah, at first I figured this was about how Amazon takes out successful, smaller retailers on its site by offering the same product at a slightly lower price/de-prioritizing their search results, which is fucked, but this seems to be only about Apple products? Very bizarre…
Yeah, def leave them alone for the most part.
The “show P2P links” option should only be used if you’ve set yourself up with a VPN, since that’s just straight streaming torrent files. I personally never use it, since it’s usually slow and laggy, and will look for the media on another source if necessary.
For the subtitles, there’s should def be other options to try in the same language, but sometimes for more obscure media you’ll have to adjust the timing on what subtitles are available.