Scatterbrained and friendly optimist. Always happy to give my (unasked for) opinion :)

Pardon my rambling and broken English, I know I often sound like an alien trying to impersonate a human being.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I had a bit too much fun with these :)

    Magical Items
    • The Bandwidth Cap
      Cursed item that limits the magical power of it’s wearer
    • The Token Ring
      Magical ring that allows the wielder to communicate over large distances. They can receive messages from one token ring and send message to another.
    • The Memory Barrier
      Protective charm that shields the mind from intrusion.
    • The Shadow Register
      A magical ledger that records secrets and hidden locations in the immediate area.
    • The Superscalar
      A legendary shimmering sword that can strike multiple foes in a single attack.
    • Loopback
      Redirects a spell to its point of origin.
    • Jabber
      Causes the target to produce incoherent speech and lose its train of thought.
    • Branch Prediction
      Gives the caster foresight to predict their opponent’s next action.
    • Traceroute
      A tracking spell that reveals the path of a target.
    • Mask
      Hides the caster’s true identity.
    • Hypertransport
      Enables instantaneous movement over short distances.
    • Interrupt
      Counterspell to disrupt an enemy’s casting.
    Spell modifiers
    • Broadcast
      Modifies spell to affect a large area.
    • Unicast
      Modifies spell to affect a single point with maximum damage.
    • Multicast
      Modfies spell to affect multiple selected targets.
    • Repeater
      Modifies spell to recast itself over multiple turns.

  • My partner stresses too much with work and I wish I could help more. But all I can do is give comfort and urge to at least let things go when at home.
    Any practical advice is always brushed off, which I can understand. Sometimes you just need to vent and I don’t mind listening about what happened this time. I just hate seeing them like this, it does make me worry a bit about their health.

  • Waiting for my daughter to fall asleep. It’s a long drawn out process following the daily ritual where she gets out of bed within 2 minutes saying “I can’t sleep!”
    Then I have to bring her back to bed, sing another lullaby, and pray to whatever sleep deity that will listen that she will stay put this time.
    Today appears to be a good day, I can hear her slurping from her water bottle but she’s staying put. Hopefully she’ll be out in another 5 minutes. I wonder who I have to thank this time, Hypnos?

  • “The planet Arrakis, known as Dune”

    My very first experience with a sound card was watching the Dune 2 intro on my dad’s friend’s computer. I was so amazed, I just sat in awe as that intro movie played.
    On the drive home I tried to remember if what I heard was real, and I just couldn’t imagine it. When I tried to recall what I saw and heard, I could only imagine hearing that tinny internal speaker making bleeps and bloops instead of the actual sounds. It just seemed so unreal at the time that I could not recall what I had heard only a few hours earlier :)

    On a side note, I don’t think any studio in the nineties made as memorable tunes and sounds as Westwood did. There was always something enchanting about them. Dune 2, the Kyrandia games, they all had excellent music that really played into the strengths of what was available back then.
    Of course I’m talking with pink tinted nostalgia goggles, but still… good memories :)