No matter how you feel about them, when your mate shows you his new electric car you still greet him with a request for a pint of semi skimmed.
No matter how you feel about them, when your mate shows you his new electric car you still greet him with a request for a pint of semi skimmed.
£ is from a country that does not have states
Because you like poorly maintained hacky amateur install scripts
The question was about whether a billionaire had done anything good.
What’s a foot pull? I’m imagining a floor-level hook that you either use to open the door or break your ankle with
When you save your doc to one drive then you can access it from the web version of office. That’s the reason they’ve been encouraging developers to write add-ins that run from the cloud. I’m guessing that this is for similar reasons
Mrshmlo for those wondering. Hebrew is a “work out the remaining vowels yourself” language
Awful but lawful the article says towards the end.
It’s not lawful in very many countries
Deep analysis here