Same, tried to disconnect from services from big companies like instagram, reddit, twitter and whatsapp for a long time but this spring i quit twitter (for mastodon), in the summer instagram and whatsapp (for signal) and after the api changes reddit (for lemmy). I miss nothing of it.
Ruling Javascript and Python programmers out would be more sane imho. Java sucks, but at least its typed and doesn’t implement weird semantics.
I swear to god, companies are nowadays just picking the solution with the most buzzwords. Any compiler engineering student knows how to write a transpiler from one language to another, while getting this right is a cumbersome task, it still completly automated afterwards. Just hire a few compiler engineering phds and the job is done in at least half a year.
Look what i found after a quick google search:
On a modern computer dead code analysis with constant folding should be nearly unnoticeable when compiling a large project
LISP is most accurate
All my homies use dual depth peeling