Just put Dot as GM, she can keep the brothers in line.
I’m David. I live in Tacoma, Washington. I do square foot gardening, home automation with Home Assistant, and have too many cats.
You think you saw me behind some ferns? You just might have!
Just put Dot as GM, she can keep the brothers in line.
I feel like I’ll be reposting this video a lot, but I love ✨LEAF MOLD✨
In my garden, I took some chicken wire, a few stakes, and made a place for leaves, about 3-4 feet across.
Just like compost, mix it every few days and moisten it to the level of a damp sponge (appropriate for your climate). After a year (yes, a year), you’ll have a pile of broken down organic matter, and a lovely leaf mold environment.
Also, Leaf mold breaks down leaves way faster when you already have a starter pile of it to add to from last year.
There are a couple ‘Other - Please Specify’ fields I definitely filled out with ‘Do not do AI’.
I’ll have a small ambient heater in there, controlled by my home automation system! They are LED lights, so not much heat there. Our house sits around 50-60F usually, so I’m spending a bit of time making sure the insulation is good.
The Long Dark Wet is coming, and I’m setting up in indoor grow zone for the winter. I can’t wait to experiment! I’ll be attempting to keep a couple peppers alive, as well as a dill, some citrus, a lemongrass,and a few other things. Some of these would be fine being dormant in our basement, but that’s no fun!
≡(ಠ ェ ಠ)≡
I get the joke, but with no prior context it’s kind of a jerk move to assume the player already opened it if they asked for a perception OR an investigation. A Mimic would normally just ambush you OR attack when the player opens them. If it was opened it’s probably already attacking, and if it was closed then performing a perception shouldn’t cause initiative until rolled (if the mimic noticed you noticing it, for instance).
I’ll…I’ll crawl back into my dingy nerd tavern now…
Ah, this looks like it’s a snap to use.
Supply chains are literally chains of suppliers, e.g. vendors. Your ‘simplest electronic product’ could absolutely be constrained by whom you choose to work with.
If your vendor locks you into buying from a certain source, and their vendor requires the same, and so on up the chain, how would you describe that dynamic to differentiate from a single vendor being the point of restriction?
To your point that the phrase didn’t exist, here are three supply-chain oriented papers that directly reference the phrase: This paper is exploring the social dynamics of buyers and sellers:
Lock-in situations in supply chains: A social exchange theoretic study of sourcing arrangements
Specifically, we believe that the examination of lock-in situations between a manufacturer and its supplier, i.e., instances where for all intent and purposes, one party is heavily dependent upon the other party, with few alternatives, under social exchange theory, can provide new insights into controlled self-interest behaviors (e.g., strategies) in on-going supply chain relationships.
This paper is about supply chains in plastic management, but the phrase is here:
Business models and sustainable plastic management: A systematic review of the literature
Barriers frequently mentioned were high costs, complexity of new systems, supply chain lock-in and low customer buy-in.
And here’s a paper about optimizing your supply chain where it is referenced as something to avoid:
Orchestrating cradle-to-cradle innovation across the value chain
This one even has a handy definition:
Supply chain lock-in:
Contracts and strong dependencies with suppliers not supporting circularity (e.g., either due to non-willingness or lock-in in production facilities optimized for linear concepts).
I suppose if you would like to be super extra pendantic Wikipedia does have you covered with “Collective Monopolistic Vendor Lock-in”.
Try another search engine: https://xo.wtf/search?q=what+is+supply-chain+lock-in
In case you needed to look it up like I did:
Impact of gravity on fluid dynamics, gravity waves: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_wave
Impact of gravitational fields in astrophysics, gravitational waves: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_wave
unrepentant nano gang rise up
“I mean, it’s one plant label, Michael. How much could it cost, $100?”
I’m based in the Pacific Northwest, so here’s a few of my favorites in the region.
Swanson’s is the normal recommendation, they are pretty cool. If maybe a little pricey.
RIP City People’s…
Calendula Farm & Earthworks is worth a visit! They have a good selection of native plants.
Portland Ave Nursery. This is in Tacoma! I’ve bought a few trees from them! It’s definitely got a good vibe.
One Green World is my current mail order choice for bare roots. They are in Portland, OR. I’ve visited the retail location down there, it’s a good way to spend some time!
Flower World is also very neat and very dangerous (for my wallet).
Garden cleanup continues! I’m doing the boring bits of tidying/repairing my cheapo greenhouse from last year. I’ll be putting some more onions in the ground just to have greens.
Cold weather is on the horizon - I’m rapidly building an inside grow zone to move some plants inside as an experiment this year. I’m getting cold frames and what not set up for outside.
Lots of things to chop down and replants, I’ll be trying a bunch of cool weather crops this fall since I built so many new garden beds!
I’ll be harvesting everything that’s still out there. We had a last little burst of warm-ish weather, and the poblanos put on some size, excellent! My everbearing strawberry plants are still going insane though and producing tons of fruit!
My stomach growled when I looked at this…
They be grace, they be elegance, hey those cats a’ sitting two a’ pence!