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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • Japanese people? Hit or miss like many others.

    Japanese government? Fascist puppet stooges of the US. Unrepentant war criminals who are revisionist and deny their government’s crimes in WW2 to this day and to this day honor their WW2 war criminals with visits to the shrine where they are housed. They are at this moment re-arming and becoming increasingly aggressive towards China who they victimized in the last world war and who they deny the simple solace of acknowledgement of their crimes (Japanese nationalists harassed the Japanese author of a book on the Nanking atrocities until she killed herself and the official schoolbooks don’t tend to mention it or downplay it and other atrocities like comfort-women).

    Fuck the Japanese government. Fuck Japan as it exists, has existed for over 80 years now. It’s culture is also largely reactionary. Yes there are good Japanese people, good Japanese media, even left-leaning types there. Many anti-militarists but they don’t hold sway.

    Just like when I, an American say fuck America, worst nation, I am not saying every single person there is without redemption. I am pointing out the reality.