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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • ctr1@fl0w.cctoLinux@lemmy.mlBest App Launcher on Linux
    4 days ago

    Ah nice! Thanks for the suggestion. Yeah --preview is a great feature that is good to remember.

    And true, it’s better to use find -executable than ls. Although in my case I would use -type f -o -type l since I want to include symlinks (often I will cd into my local bin folder and ln -s $(which ) to add it to my launcher). I’m using ls since I only put executables in there and using relative file paths so that it’s nicer to look at. But cd or sed would work as well

    Yeah the xargs + i3-msg part is a bit clunky but I’m not sure what else to do, since the terminal window needs to close immediately, which prevents the application from running. I tried a few variations with nohup and launching in the background, but haven’t found another solution. But I’m sure there’s a way

  • ctr1@fl0w.cctoLinux@lemmy.mlBest App Launcher on Linux
    4 days ago

    I use fzf with a popup terminal:

    # example for i3
    bindsym $mod+Return exec --no-startup-id kitty -T _menu_ -e bash -c 'ls $HOME/.local/bin/ | fzf | xargs -r -I{} i3-msg -t command exec $HOME/.local/bin/{}'
    for_window [title="_menu_"] floating enable
    for_window [title="_menu_"] resize set 600 800

    I like this approach because it’s simple and configurable. I prefer to see only the symlinks/scripts that I put in my local bin folder, but it can easily be extended to support .desktop files, multiple folders, filtering, etc.

  • ctr1@fl0w.cctoLinux@lemmy.mlHow to quit VIM?
    1 month ago

    I alternate between helix and vim depending on the task, and their key bindings are kind of opposite from each other in a lot of ways. I’ve found that switching back and forth has kept me on my toes a bit and I don’t feel as locked in to one editor as I did with vim before trying helix.

    So I’m now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.

    I would also try getting used to the defaults or a minimal config, which is also a good way to feel at home in the editor regardless of the system

  • ctr1@fl0w.cctoLinux@lemmy.mlHow can I go about using the tty only on my system
    3 months ago

    I’m not sure how to paste directly into a pane, but you can copy by opening up the scrollback in EDITOR from search mode using Ctrl+S e. This creates a file in /tmp so I try to make sure to clear it when I’m done.

    I usually only copy and paste between editor windows using a script that mimics xclip (automatically used by helix), and if I need to paste a command I either edit my bash history or write a script.

  • Great list. Customizing the font is definitely a priority. I recommend one of the Terminus fonts. Also zellij multiplexer + helix editor is a great combo that works well in the tty.

    One thing to add is that it took me a while to create a decent 16-color theme for helix and vim, and while they’re okay by default you can actually get a pretty nice looking IDE if you spend some time tinkering with the colors

  • ctr1@fl0w.cctoLinux@lemmy.mlIs anyone using awk?
    9 months ago

    Yes! Awk is great, I use it all the time for text processing problems that are beyond the scope of normal filters but aren’t worth writing a whole program for. It’s pretty versatile, and you can split expressions up and chain them together when they get too complicated. Try piping the output into sh sometime. It can be messy though and my awk programs tend to be write-only

  • If you’re willing to spend the time to learn how to write custom policies, SELinux can be used for this, to some extent. It’s highly customizable and can sandbox your apps, but the process of doing so is quite complicated. I wrote a small guide on custom policy management on Gentoo in another comment if you’re interested.

    There’s also apparently a “sandbox” feature, but I don’t know much about it. I just write my own policies and make them as strict as possible.

    As an example, my web browser can’t access my home directory or anything except its own directories, and nobody (including my own user), except root and a few select processes (gpg, gpg-agent, git, pass) can access my gnupg directory.

    This only covers security/permissions, and doesn’t include many of the other benefits of containerization or isolation. You could also try KVM with libvirt and Gentoo VMs; that works pretty well (despite update times) and I did that for a while with some success.

  • Haha yeah, nicely put. I do enjoy the content, mostly because I’ve been following these creators for some time, and it’s hard to find a replacement for it… there is a lot of great content there, but it makes me feel gross using it. And same, I had no problem finding an alternative for Reddit (this), probably because I was not very attached to individual creators there.

    I’m hoping a decentralized solution gains traction, but in the meantime I’ve been trying to limit the amount of information I share with the platform. I’m not actively trying to restrict my usage (most of that was achieved when I stopped using an account), but maybe it’s a good idea to do so. I mostly use it when eating or going to sleep, and there are better ways to occupy that time.