I wonder if it is feasible to book a trip to Canada or Mexico and just buy it there. I guess pharmacies accept prescriptions of 'Murican doctors there, if patients pay themselves…
I wonder if it is feasible to book a trip to Canada or Mexico and just buy it there. I guess pharmacies accept prescriptions of 'Murican doctors there, if patients pay themselves…
I haven’t been in development for nearly 20 years now, but I assumed it worked like that:
You generate unit tests for a very specific function of rather limited magnitude, then you let AI generate the function. How could this work otherwise?
Bonus points if you let the AI divide your overall problem into smaller problems of manageable magnitudes. That wouldn’t involve code generation as such…
Am I wrong with this approach?
What is this in imperial? How many bullets per square-child?
My MSCI World ETF shares lost about 4% in a day. yesterday. Does this have anything to do with this shitshow?
We don’t know if there’s much of a difference between an AI and a brain. If we look “into” an artificial neural net we only see a lot of “weights” that don’t make any sense. If we look into a brain, we also can’t make any more sense of it. The difference is smaller than we want it to be because it seems to either give AIs a lot of credit or it makes us less than we want to be. We are very biased, don’t forget that.
So, how do art students learn? They are doing the exact same things. Only they do a lot less, because natural neural networks (aka brains) are not capable of processing training data as quickly. It’s not as if every artist has to reinvent the wheel and generative AIs don’t and as such have an unfair advantage.
Look at inventions like the printing press! Did everybody like it? The catholic church certainly didn’t! Is it a a phantastic peace of technology anyway? Sure is!
As far as I remember the secret is to log in as admin and change the ownership of the files to yourself, then change permissions and then do whatever the f you want with the files.
I am subscribed to amazon prime, mainly because of the benefits I have regarding shopping. I might cancel that subscription however. I am really annoyed right now because they changed their return policy and they try to force ads on me while at the same time reporting their modt profitable quarter.
No. They make money if they find a sponsor. I also skip over those sponsors’ ads but the sponsors don’t know that or they accept a certain fraction of people not watching their ads. I just don’t watch ads. If, in the future, that means I cannot watch my favourite tubers’ content, well too bad, I’ll watch some ad-free netflix series or read a book or whatever. But one thing is certain: I’ll rather light my dick on fire than watching ads. I even joined a class action lawsuit against amazon because they want to make me watch ads without my consent.
No, it could not have been avoided. I don’t watch ads. Ads don’t need to be “scam ads” for me to not watch them. I just don’t. Full stop.
And in Germany we don’t have those without filters.
On the other hand, we have 230V and our dish washers’s sump only have half the sump size at most, they heat up the water in no time, even if it’s cold to start with. So we’ve got that going for us which is nice.
Retardistan is hogging the biggest portion of the IPv4 addresses for themselves. That’s why they have the worst IPv6 support. The need arose last in this part of the world.
Collabora Office. It’s a free LibreOffice fork for iOS/iPadOs. I stumbled across it when I taught regular expressions to my pupils and only had MS Office at hand, on the school computers, which is crap at searching for pattern matches in documents. Libre Office is really good at that. And all my pupils have iPads and they could use Collabora Office.
Why is that worth a post? I suspect there are more lawn robots here in Germany than Dads mowing the lawn. Also, you don’t want to know what those things typically do to Sonic’s babies if they are programmed to mow at night.
I didn’t find anything regarding that. I only found a fellow German who thought about shipping that stuff from Germany…