I’m glad I know now, I also learned when the stove gets too hot it does shut off. Because it was off when I went downstairs to get a drink. It smelled pretty burned.
I’m glad I know now, I also learned when the stove gets too hot it does shut off. Because it was off when I went downstairs to get a drink. It smelled pretty burned.
Lemmy kind of sucks, that’s why I like it. Reddit to me was like beer and Lemmy is like non alcoholic beer. If stop drinking a non alcoholic beer is fine, but I don’t really need one every day.
On Wikipedia it says
Mmt principals (nr 3) Is limited in its money creation and purchases only by inflation, which accelerates once the real resources (labour, capital and natural resources) of the economy are utilized at full employment
So you can’t really always print more money, unless you don’t care about inflation (that mostly screws the middle class).
I’m not sure what OPs argument is, but maybe it’s something like, if we have very high inflation the rich will actually lose money as their savings have less value. While at the other hand wages go up.
This argument is flawed, as the rich usually don’t have savings, but investments. Those will actually just go up with inflation. Like if you invest in stocks, gold or houses, all of those will go up in times of high inflation.
So printing money is just going to screw the middle class with some savings in the bank. It’s also going to screw young people that don’t own a house.
Maybe just get a large monitor? Its probably cheaper too
If you ask people what they want it makes sense you’ll get a lot a sequels.
Like if you asked people what they wanted 200 years ago they would say faster horses, not a car.
I don’t really visit reddit anymore, but still end up there sometimes because of a google search. Anyway there is an extension for Firefox Android to always show old Reddit. So you don’t have to log in or install the app.
Musk probably said something like they used a revolutionary new type of stainless steel, designed for spaceX rockets. Have you ever seen rust in space? No because it’s that revolutionary, and we all know space is filled with water and oxygen.
I’m used to K&R so no real need to switch, also my IDE by default formats in that style. Allman also looks fine, most of the others just seem to make code less readable.
Open source communities have been around longer than the internet, so they can manage fine without discord.
Also don’t you just join by submitting code or bug reports or other things?
One thing I like is that it runs on Linux, so outlook isn’t an option for me anyway.
I tried other mail clients but most of them don’t work with exchange servers (and 2FA)
I pay for a plugin so I can use Thunderbird with the exchange server (and 2FA) my office has. Best purchase in a long time, I think it’s like a dollar a month or something, pretty cheap.
No it’s just borrowing, it’s temporary anyway, I recently looked at some movies on a very old harddisk and it was like DVD quality or worse. Threw the entire disk out.
You will probably be mentioned in history with Hitler and Stalin.
So that was the peak!
Too be honest I was fine with seeing an ad every few videos. But at some point it became unskippable ads before , during and after a video.
Also I’d rather wait without ads than wait with ads, like what’s the point?
My wife makes this hair potion with rosemary, you boil it for an hour or so any strain the liquid.