Well at the Prisma I go to we just scan products into bags in the store (you have your bags open the shopping cart)
Well at the Prisma I go to we just scan products into bags in the store (you have your bags open the shopping cart)
If it doesn’t understand what it’s saying can you really say it knows it? It has access to a lot of training data so it can get many things correct, but it’s effectively just generating the most likely answer from the training data
Why would you want that?
AI does not know things, it’s answers depend on the wording of the guestion. I guess it could be used if limited (teaching how to use it responsibly and showing how they make mistakes even in very simple situations)
Much like a calculator both are more effective if you know what is happening so you can catch the mistakes and fix them
My favorite IT based names and the reason why I want two kids: Master and slave
Trained on 99% reposts
By being active in some community For example people got interested in role-playing games in the Ravenclaw community run discord for Hogwarts legacy when people asked about role-playing games There are also d&d and pathfinder youtube channels which have discords where you could ask for players
Sadly it takes a bit more effort than the days where people joined after school stuff for this stuff
Yeah Pity systems are quite common Also used in loot boxes to keep you buying with the terrible odds they have
I mean how else are you supposed to remind yourself you are rich, ofc you need a biweekly watch tuning appointment
It’s not a 1st amendment argument
I’m making fun of Elon “free speech absolutist” Musk
I didn’t know free speech could cost a $1
“But he is all about free speech”
lol now that statement is wrong two ways
Wait, but isn’t that what CEOs do?
From a spec point yes, but that isn’t the whole story
This is likely the first time that a big portion of grandparents and children would and could play together
Rule 1: Do not believe the hype and pre-order games
That is why I gave it two years
I wish people would stop being companysexuals
The amount of people who are fine with being fucked over by companies is insane
Like if people actually stopped playing destiny when they removed paid content they would have had such a better experience for the past couple years
Not even that
They want to milk the last drops before shutting the game down
So have fun paying a ton of money for something you won’t have access to in a couple years
“Funding awful people doesn’t make me awful” Say sike right now
you like baked in ads, crypto, falsely using people to promote your browser… oof
I would much rather eat pizza than have cookies, cookies are nice (but your data gets sold)
Biden is not responsible for his campaign (just like most of his decisions) every US president is so senile that they are there just for the show