It’s worth noting that this is a new line of ThinkPad, there’s a bunch of existing lines that will all keep the classic look. Though I feel like the name X9 isn’t great, but whatever.
It’s worth noting that this is a new line of ThinkPad, there’s a bunch of existing lines that will all keep the classic look. Though I feel like the name X9 isn’t great, but whatever.
Well there’s no shortage of those, and they’re unusually cheaper too (unless they’re specced out). I prefer a thin silent one myself, so I welcome this innovation.
The issue isn’t just a simple oversight. Git includes the file name as part of the tree and commit hash. The hash has security implications. There’s really no way to make the hash support case insensitivity without opening up a multitude of holes there. So there will always be a mismatch, and you can’t just fix it without changing how git works from the ground up.
Yeah, it seems the sensor costs as much as a decent used camera.
Hyperconvergence or hypervisor.
You realise that if that were to be “fixed”, you wouldn’t end up paying the low price, Brazil would end up paying the high price? One they can’t afford because they make as much in a month as you do in a week, or worse.
I remember people being upset by the ribbon back when office 2007 was released. Their complaints made sense until I sat down and used it. Found it to be a great improvement. I switched my libre office to the ribbon layout as soon as they added it. Because I don’t use it often, it’s great for finding stuff compared to looking through the menus.
The nice thing about the LO implementation is also that they added a couple of varieties of the design, like the compact one which pushes things closer together so it’s not distracting.
Yeah it’s the equivalent of finding two dollars on the ground and getting excited because at this rate you’ll be a billionaire soon enough. There’s less than 2g of plastic in an SD card - the buttons on your shirt probably weigh more.
Games are already horifically inefficient
That’s so far from the truth, it hurts me to read it. Games are one of the most optimised programs you can run on your computer. Just think about it, it’s a application rendering an entire imaginary world every dozen milliseconds. Compare it to anything else you run, like say slack or teams, which makes your CPU sweat just to notify you about a new message.
With 30% ownership it could have been at the forefront of generative AI, which OpenAI released to the world in 2022.
Do they think openai invented the concept of generative ai, because that’s what their statement implies?
It’s not that uncharacteristic. Mono is a fully open source project they didn’t create, didn’t really work on, and one they can’t extract any value from. So this is basically a gesture that doesn’t cost them anything, but at the same time it doesn’t do much except generate a headline.
Khtml was licensed as LGPL.
At least it’s symmetrical so it won’t rock, unlike every other phone out there now, including the one I’m typing on.
You say that as if solving grid storage wasn’t one of the most important problems humanity faces right now.
When Algeria is too woke for you, you should really reconsider things.
I guess it’s too much to ask the richest company on the planet to keep a list of a few accounts indefinitely. I’m sure that database is a whole gigabyte sized and maintaining it requires a whole person to check in on it once in a while. Obviously they can only afford that level of effort for a year or two. And we’re only taking about removing access from millions of people to something they paid good money for, and also doing it because. Yeah, I’m with you on this one, totally not their fault.
Careful using the word efficiency there, as it has a different meaning when talking about solar panels - it indicates how much energy the panel can extract from the light hitting it. The best modern panels you can buy are below 25% efficient, and since these are from the 90s they were probably about half that when new.
Ah, the Osborne effect…