Whoops, this was supposed to be a comment reply, not a separate statement.
I do not Linux. Actually, I don’t even computer. I do everything on my phone. The Vista machine is something offline to store photos and some docs.
I’m still running Vista, what’s wrong with it?
I pre-ordered it for Playstation…
So it’s cool to play unranked without one then? Great!
We do all wet, ours are a couple of old ladies, so they get what they want.
It’s much better than the remake they did a while back, it’s too fast in my opinion.
It’s called Chicken on a Raft. There’s an old sea shanty about it.
Lol, so she can get some quiet time. I’m a loud gamer
The artist:
My wife wishes I went out drinking rather than playing Apex or Sea of Thieves with my old bros.
60 seems like a better cutoff. Now get out of my yard
Of course! It’s the superior siege engine.
This was THE song that got me into rap in middle school.
The Earth will shrug us off and carry on. It would be interesting to see what’s next. I suspect a marine mammal, jellyfish, or crab people.
The Linux crew is going to be cheesed