Are people to quick to assume that? Where are you getting that information from? Are you assuming it?
Are people to quick to assume that? Where are you getting that information from? Are you assuming it?
That doesn’t make it a good thing or something that shouldn’t be off-putting to the people who are being fetishized. It’s normal to be attracted to certain physical features but when you fetishize certain physical characteristics, ethnic/racial backgrounds, etc. you treat those people as a sexualized objects and not a human being who may have a sexual aspect to them but is much more complex than just the often superficial characteristics that are fetishized.
People want to be perceived as whole, complex human beings, not just carriers of characteristics that provide you sexual gratification which, if you fetishise something about a person, you are doing to them whether you realize it or not. It’s creepy, disrespectful, and dehumanizing.
Feel free to feel attracted to certain physical characteristics but do not fetishise people.
She was obsessed with trying to pursue all these different skills and obsessed over all of the opportunities she made throughout her life and what she lost by not making certain choices. She overloads her daughter by trying to make her “everything” which drives her into a pit of nihilism and drives them apart. She only saves the day by realizing that she would have missed out on just as much that is good in her life by making other choices and by giving up trying to be “everything” to just love and accept her daughter–and by extension her life.
The message was essentially to appreciate the choices you’ve made and how they shaped the life you live, to appreciate the people around you, and to not obsess over missed opportunities and the pursuit of an impossible “perfect.”
Everything Everywhere All At Once was about appreciating what you have in life and the people around you and not giving into hopelessness because you can’t attain some romanticized perfect life. It’s not about ignoring the horrible things going on in the world for the sake of your own peace of mind.
I agree completely. I would love if the popularity of mid-range handheld devices like the SD convinced more companies to steer away from the obsession with ever increasing graphical fidelity.
It’s also nice having a handheld PC that is so reasonably priced in comparison to a lot of the other offerings in the handheld PC market.
Far and away the best of the JP/JW movies. It’s a fantastic movie.