You’d think, but it can be difficult to save up moving costs for a long distance haul + deposits + getting a new job lined up while living paycheck to paycheck.
You’d think, but it can be difficult to save up moving costs for a long distance haul + deposits + getting a new job lined up while living paycheck to paycheck.
Long time resident of California (SoCal in particular), can confirm haughtiness. I’ve grown increasingly prideful of my state for holding strong on specific human right issues.
You’re also right about the increasing disparity though. It feels like stratification is getting stronger and stronger each year. The Beach Cities area in particular, from my experience, where they’re building a bunch of (very expensive) flats. California has had a history of states shipping homeless/refugees to us and that doesn’t help our increasing number of state-grown displacements.
My main issue is title formatting. I don’t dislike the TIL bot, but I do dislike the long title being cut off in my app.
Firstly these are both inspired and adorable, but I also love how open you are about players using the files!
As someone who has to deal with small pockets these new flip phones have been interesting to me. I’m just worried about how long that screen will last.
I was big into New World when it first launched and started recognizing prime exp nodes for woodcutting (those multi trunk aspen looking things) in my community.
Yeah, I joke that California does have four seasons - they’re just Summer, Wildfire, and Mudslide. Possible Earthquake to shake things up.
But to be fair, it is a long state. SoCal gets most of the attention, but NorCal gets some great seasons as you get closer to the PNW