It went from 10 to 20 on me. Considering all I lost (YT red premium content, google play music, etc) I just canceled then enabled a single user free account I get via Google fi. With money saved, bought family a spotify family plan
Great write up!
The word ‘tips’ originally came from an acronym “To Insure Proper Service”.
Depends on the part of America. At least in MN, most people are generally center. The “loud” ones are the extremists/on polar sides
Inspiring posts here. I toss a minor fix here and there. Amazing to see what yall are up to.
find /path -name *.json -exec sed -i ‘s/from/to/g’ {} ; -print
I started with a DS216Play back in 2016. It’s been running 7 years non stop. It can serve so much including Plex but the cpu is too weak to do serious transcoding. I recently pulled the trigger on a DS220+. As before I got WD Reds as my older 5400rpm have worked so well over time. You can do your own research but at present only intel based can really transcode.
I use my NASes as the primary storage class in my k3s via nfs provisioned. More recently I setup a functional docker registry and instance on them.
Not sure if it helps but the second half of this blog post on dapr and mastodon covers how I integrated my jekyll blog posts with mastodon using gh actions: