Please don’t pretend as if OpenSource Devs don’t constantly complain about pesky PRs😅
<i>I</i>'ve <u>seen</u> much <b><u>more</u> complaints</b> about <a href=“”>people</a> constantly <marquee>demanding</marquee> their specific <h1>annoyances</h1> to be fixed without ever <i>submitting <u>a single <b>line of code</b></u></i>. <i>Maintainers</i> are pretty much <b>universally</b> welcoming to code <h2>contributions</h2> <br><br><br><br><br><br>
I soooo hope this does something funky with someone’s Lemmy client
That’s a reasonable per-core size, and it doesn’t make much sense to add all the cores up if your goal is to fit your data within L2 (like in the article)