Those still exist, you are just not invited to them 😛
Those still exist, you are just not invited to them 😛
People want them around the holidays because they hang their lights in the wrong direction and end up with 2 female plugs where they needed one to be male… So the want the danger adapter because they are not wanting to take anything down
I work for a Canadian EMR company and we deal with a couple of options for medical voice software. I know Dragon naturally speaking has a medical offering that likely would meet any regulatory requirements. There are also some subscription based ones that I don’t know if there are US versions of, but If you google the medical options you should be able to find some options.
Why remove the plants until you have a new home to move them to?
Depending on where you live many municipality’s or rescue agencies will spay and neuter strays for free. Maybe worth calling around and finding out if a program like that exists near you.
Generally in lakes it’s more people boating who drown. They are far from shore and can get hurt in a capsize easily