I don’t have experience with any readers until recently. Did some research and went with. Kobo colour. It has met expectations and I’m using it with no issue.
I wanted physical buttons.
I didn’t want an Amazon device.
I like to call it a significant career change.
I don’t have experience with any readers until recently. Did some research and went with. Kobo colour. It has met expectations and I’m using it with no issue.
I wanted physical buttons.
I didn’t want an Amazon device.
No chapstick but Eli uses cat oil and says it works the same way.
The year is 2034 and 96% of the population is unemployed because they are all forced to “do their own research” on literally everything and there’s no time to work. We all must research every niche topic to fully understand it before using it or the other 4% calls us stupid and lazy.
No longer are we allowed to just buy a shower head, or bike or sign up for email without sources cited and proof we know everything about said thing.
Have kids? Do their research too, no chocolate milk unless I’ve proven why it’s good.
Elderly parents? Don’t let them touch that Roku remote. I need a research paper on all the options I explored.
Sorry for all the sarcasm. I fix my house, I work, I mow the lawn and shuttle children to sports, and my friend says check this bluesky thing out, 30 seconds and I’m signed up and have a friend and a discover tab and a search that works. Life’s chaotic and I don’t want to be defined as stupid because I can’t spend hours figuring something out in place of something I think is more important.
All this not directed at you specifically but I guess it hit a nerve.
You’ve stated this at least twice in this thread. People aren’t like that, just in general. Heck, I understood it and still had trouble picking a server for Lemmy and mastadon.
Do I want a single topic or domain to define me? Will a small server have popular posts? Will it have popular people? I can’t find this popular account because I’m typing in username instead of user+domain.
I created and deleted at least 5 before I gave up and just picked one. Is that what most people would do?
I don’t think you’re wrong, but I think you are not putting yourself in the shoes of most users who want to follow a celebrity or a train station or space agency and can’t even find their account.
I don’t see “screwed the pooch” used much but it always is funny to me.
Feels like it doesn’t it? I enjoyed taking apart and fixing the family computer as a kid but it was also out of necessity. If it wasn’t me? Then who else would or could?
I’m still trying to decide if it’s a “when I was a kid I used to clean my own carburetor” situation. Like, is it a “back in my day men were men and we fixed our computers by hand”, or more so, there’s just not a need to dig into computers unless you enjoy it like any other hobby.
I know all the reasons I should be on Firefox, but I just love Vivaldi so much.
I’ve been using it for years and have it tuned perfectly for anything I do. It’s feature rich, and fast.
Occasionally there are apps or even tools in life where you are like holy shit, this is exactly made for how I want to do a task/job.
My gestures are so ingrained in me, sometimes I catch my hand moving the mouse to perform an action in another unrelated app. My brain notices instantly but can’t stop my hand from trying to do it anyway. It makes me laugh.
Green olives?
I have no idea what this will taste like but I’m intrigued.
I try to always remember People, process and product. PPP. It helps remind me that the people are just like you and I, families and waking up each day to do a job. It’s so easy for things to fall apart when there aren’t the right tools or processes in place. My failures individually or as a team never left someone in outer space but I’ve had some doozies in my career.
This isn’t addressing your comment but I guess it was on my mind. I do know that the majority of people want to do their best and I feel bad for them and those affected by a company’s poor decisions.
I’m not qualified in any sense to speculate, and so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
My first thought is that there is a configuration happening to bring it home which we already knew, and there is a bug or test tone that was activated and since no one writing the code is there, they just didn’t notice it is still running.
It says nothing about spyware, the article isn’t hyped up at all, and describes a token to track installations vs downloads.
"This data will allow us to correlate telemetry IDs with download tokens and Google Analytics IDs. This will allow us to track which installs result from which downloads to determine the answers to questions like, “Why do we see so many installs per day, but not that many downloads per day?”
Also there is an opt-out during installation.
I don’t even use Firefox, and I honestly am not attacking but your comment seemed very hyperbolic and with little detail.
You’re right that it’s good to be aware of this stuff, I also don’t see this being a road block for the average user.
Sorry I wasn’t clear.
Fallout 4 is beloved and buggy as hell. Cyberpunk was buggy, and still has bugs but is completely playable over and over again and with my hundreds of hours, I haven’t run into any game killing glitches.
Been playing on and off for years (beat it every way, every ending, 100% most of everything).
It’s less glitchy than fallout 4. Even if there are bugs, they are not game ending or even that difficult to move on.
The game, the dlc, the paid dlc… I thought all of it was incredible and I had an absolutely amazing time playing. I think I’m around 800 hours, but a few hundred were on stadia.
Anyway, if you’re having issues, delete it all, try again and give it a shot. The difference between release and now is large.
The dispensers are still around, just all empty. So frustrating. I’m not worried about covid but I don’t want a cold or the flu either…being sick is not fun. Let me keep my hands clean!
I do not still wear a mask, but I really loved having my face covered when I went places during covid. I just felt free. I don’t know why as I don’t have a problem going anywhere or doing anything normally, but covering my face felt good (except on 100 degree days in summer).
I don’t think protonpass has auto fill even on browser extension.
Or maybe I’m too stupid to figure it out. I ran side by side against bitwarden which I love. Could not figure out a way that didn’t make me manually c/p the creds.
Based on the comments in the thread, they asked it to repeat before actually having it say anything so it repeated the directives.
There’s a whole bunch of comments relocating it with chat logs.
I don’t know that they deserve favorite because of what they are, they don’t even have much of a smell! But there is just something about them I love, and maybe it’s memories or how “wild” they look as they grow in bunches. It reminds me of wildflowers in a field.
It wasn’t even a good revenge story. It felt like no one was important and honestly I haven’t seen it since release and can’t remember much else.
That being said, I’ll probably watch the second one and see how many bee puns they can fit in it.