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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • “required to prosecute all crimes to the fullest extent of the law”, taken literally, requires prosecutors to prosecute everyone for every crime all the time. After all, you don’t know what might turn up in discovery, anything could potentially have happened! Obviously, there has to be some judgement call made, where there’s just not enough evidence to prosecute me for drunk driving even though I stopped an inch past the stop sign. Ultimately, that’s just prosecutorial discretion again, and while it could be reformed and limited somewhat, it will always exist and be abused.

  • LLM is a form of AI, specifically the text AIs like ChatGPT that have suddenly made “AI” a dinner table term. AI in some form or another is almost definitely being used in your device - even for things like filling in gaps in low-quality voice calls, and probably has been for a while. But the problem is that unlike those “old” AIs, LLMs require some significant power to run, so running them on phones will probably require meaningful trade-offs. But the increased security is also a meaningful benefit.