I don’t know what you are studying so I can’t promise this is true for you, but I did my first 2 years of uni “on time”, took 2 years off to do internships, a semester off for a wee mental break down and then did my last 2 years over a 3 year period. I got the equivalent of a B- average. Overall pretty mediocre.
But I’m very externally successful despite the non linear path through school. Don’t fret if you need to take some time off, it’s not the end of the world 💖 I think what would have helped me a lot was understanding that I’m not actually bad at engineering, just very good at a very specific subset lol.
P.S. You can remain silly!
For the first 37 years of my life I was way too early for everything. Now I’m late, because I decided to stop stressing about it. Not sure which is worse lol