I used to get all my updates regarding new games / leaving games from /r .
Unfortunately not all updates are posted here, so I’m using an RSS reader and have configured TA, PureXbox and Xbox Wire. However, they post quite a lot, and I sometimes miss a post. Also, not every leaving game is posted there.
Any tips or ideas? I don’t want to go back to /r
I use the GamePass app on Android. Among other stuff it shows recently added games, games coming soon and leaving soon.
I think a common timespan for games is around 1 year. If you look up a list of when games have been added it might give you a rough timeline on when games could possibly be leaving
I just found this site which has a lot of information. Still no RSS feed, but it’s helpful! https://gamepassport.net/
Thanks, that’s true. I’ve used the master list in the past, but if you check the Likely Leaving there are many there which have been around for more than 1 year.
I just want to know whenever something is announced as Leaving Soon without checking the app every day. An RSS feed would be awesome.