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I’ve started rediscovering photography again after a multi year break, and I’ve currently got a decision to make. I’ve started doing some more macro photography recently, and I’m to the point I would like to purchase a macro lens. However, I now realize that new DSLR cameras seem to be on their way out and mirrorless is what the major manufacturers are moving to. My current gear is a budget Canon DSLR with a kit lens, and a basic 75-300mm.

My question is this. Should I switch to a mirrorless camera before I spend more money on lenses? I don’t have a huge amount of money invested so far, and whatever lens type I buy is most likely what I’m going to have to stay with for many years to come. My hard limit would be $1000 for the body, but preferably $700 or less. Since I would like to stay with Canon, that leaves me with the R100, R50, and RP at the very top end. I am open to other options however, especially if there are good aftermarket lenses and accessories.

Although I know there will still be new and used EF lenses available, I do worry a bit about future camera body upgrade options. I know I’m overthinking this a bit too much, but I’m just curious what other people think.

    8 months ago

    I used to have a Nikon d3300 (bought on Craigslist with 2 kit lenses, plus bag, and accessories for $300) for 6-7 years. Then I wanted to do nicer portraits so I got the 35mm f1.8 for like $200. Then switched to the Sony system 3 years ago because I wanted to do more wildlife which would’ve required a new camera body because d3300, while an awesome camera, was not it for autofocus and fast shooting. Because I’d need to invest quiet a bit into whatever I chose next anyway, I decided to go with an a7iv, and have been really happy with it. It’s perfect for all the stuff I was doing with my Nikon, along with the wildlife capabilities I was looking for, and for my needs I probably won’t need another camera body (unless this one stops working).

    I’d recommend if all you’re looking to do right now is macro, your current body is likely sufficient and you’ll probably find nice used macro lenses for it on a budget (<$500). I’m don’t have experience with canon so I can’t recommend anything specific, but I’m sure Google can help with that part. If you do decide that you are ever hitting the limits of your current body or are thinking about more expensive professional lenses (think >$1200), that is when I’d consider switching up a mirrorless. Either way, I definitely don’t think you should invest in a new DSLR body right now.

    Also - if you’re looking at new mirrorless, the canon system right now is kind of expensive when it comes to nice lenses. I think Sony is the cheapest because of a lot of 3rd party options. But the price for the bodies is more or less the same. Then there are the m43 brands which I don’t know much about but might also be a nice option.