Been playing through baldurs gate 3 recently as I’m sure many of you have been and started to think that githyanki are really similar to the mind flayers. Both see themselves as somewhat independent but have a greater queen they serve, have a fairly utilitarian society to say the least, possess psionic abilities that are very similar to each other and long to make an inter planary empire. Now many of these similarities can be a poetic story of how they never grew or learnt from the oppression they faced, but I think that this theory adds something great to the story as they both have a mysterious origin that is somewhat explained by this, and adds a reason to why the aboleths who know all the past don’t know anything about mind flayers.

    1 year ago

    I think that’s possible and can certainly be your head canon or what you run at your table.

    That said, I believe the connections between the two are entirely due to the githyanki’s enslavement by the illithids. Learning the wrong lessons from their oppressors is a sad, but not unbelievable, outcome. The note about aboleths is interesting but I’m not familiar enough with their lore to effectively speculate why they would not know about illithids - perhaps they just didn’t come into contact with them until the height of the illithid empire.

    This kind of lore stuff is why I stick to homebrew tbh