He always struck me as a troubled dude that was shaped by being a child star. It was like his escape hatch was to revert back to a child-like state and thus his closest friends… were mostly children. I was pretty split on that whole thing because I was such a fan as a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s. Insanely disgusted by it, but also saddened because he was a product of a toxic environment that we’ve seen time and time again is not a good place for children.
He always struck me as a troubled dude that was shaped by being a child star. It was like his escape hatch was to revert back to a child-like state and thus his closest friends… were mostly children. I was pretty split on that whole thing because I was such a fan as a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s. Insanely disgusted by it, but also saddened because he was a product of a toxic environment that we’ve seen time and time again is not a good place for children.