Its starting to warm up a little. I used to go metal detecting a lot when I was younger but fell off the hobby. I figured my toddler nephew would love digging holes in the dirt and playing with the tools as we hunt for some scrap metal artifacts in the back yard. We had such a great time and I got some good exercise in.

Metal detecting is a finicky hobby, honestly one not really suited for hyperactive children with short attention spans and addictions to instant gratification. There are no gaurentees you will be finding anything in the ground. If you do get a hit you need to get lucky with the plug/hole placement, get lucky its not too deep into rock soil, and just plain old get lucky its even an object you can take out and not some ghost blip in the soil. I’m lucky my nephew is the right age to just enjoy playing with dirt and the rolly-polly pill bugs we dig up.

Given time, effort, experience, and statistical diceroll you’ll eventually find something interesting. Always a great time pulling out an object encrusted in dirt and cleaning it away to find something youve never seen before. He was so excited to pull this out of the ground! We made a racket over it as we raced in to Clean it off and the neighbors dogs were real interested lol. Very nostalgic and special experience that I am grateful to have.

We found a old stake too but that’s not as exciting as this thing. My mom thinks its like a gas valve cover. My dad thinks its a large vehicle fuel cover. I don’t know. Thinking of submitting it o a what-is-this community.

I think were gonna be making lots of holes in the back yard this year! It would be cool get a display case for all our findings even the tabs and aluminum can scraps.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldOP
    4 days ago

    Thank you dohpaz42 you made my day better! 🫠

    I love my adopted nephew and niece they are the closest thing I have to kids of my own. I do what I can to be a part of their life and provide positive experiences. They give a great reason to get out and do stuff/play outside more!

      4 days ago

      It shows. They won’t necessarily have memories of this — being so young — but you are shaping their very core personalities, and that’ll last a lifetime.