Also, Goliath was the bad guy.
Well, the antagonist of the story at least.
The Israelites genocided the Philistines every chance they got… Whose name Palestine is descended from btw.
No they don’t. “Christians” don’t read, especially their own handbooks. To the point where if you quote something from the bible that disagrees with their ignorant bullshit they get extra mad.
Do these people even read their own books?
No. I thought that was pretty obvious.
This 100% scans.
How does somone so stupid put something like that into the world so confidently…
stupidity begets confidence
Americans & intelligent are 2 things that should never be used together;<br> I realized that & accepted it
At this point, the phrase “David and Goliath” is basically a meme, and there are a lot more people that know a short guy named David fought a giant named Goliath than actually read 1 Samuel. And for that matter, more than know how the fight actually played out.
Heck, there are a lot of people that probably only know about it from The Simpsons, that episode with the skits that cast the kids as Bible characters and basically parodied the stories they were based on… I think it had Bart as David, probably Nelson or one of the other bullies as Goliath, and Ralph killing one of Goliath’s brothers with a sling and a modern tombstone? That’s probably about as much as a lot of people know about David & Goliath, honestly.
That’s funny.
Love hypocrisy dunking on Christians, but why do we care if Jack Miladin is a bad Christian and doesn’t read his Bible, I mean - is he a person of note, a public official, a politician? I can’t find anything on this guy, it seems like he’s just a rando.