I would start (if you havent already) with an introduction to CS. You can take CS50 for free online - https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2025/.
I dont think they cover much C# (I took the 2020 course and they didnt) but they do introduce you to C, C++, Python, html, etc. They provide github codespaces available for anyone for free, so you can complete the weekly labs and problem sets offered in the course. It really is a good jumping off point.
Learn rust for game dev, develop the game in rust, and then brag about how your game is written 100% in rust (nerds will be extremely impressed, for maximum clout release it under GPL V3 with native Linux support).
But first you need to make a custom Risc-V CPU optimized for rust (and minimal memory leaks) and then port a custom Arch fork (completely rewritten in rust ofc) so you can run OxideFetch
I know a bit of python and ruby, but doing something similar except I’m writing it in BASIC on a Commodore 64 and am going to attempt to refactor it assembly. I have most of the BASIC version working now.
After learning the basics of a programming language, you could try using a game engine like Unity or Godot to not have to code a lot of more complicated things like displaying things and collisions
Software development is all stress all the time and I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing and I really don’t think this much stress at 34 is healthy even with the salary
I think software development is a good career, but game development specifically is certainly not. It’s a fine hobby though. Also, learning development through a hobby is fine.
I want to learn C# or Python for game dev, but it looks…daunting.
Anyone got advice?
“Automate the boring stuff with python” to start. As an added bonus you’ll have more downtime as you go.
Start by using an existing engine like renpy to get flow and math. Then expand to other engines.
I would start (if you havent already) with an introduction to CS. You can take CS50 for free online - https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2025/.
I dont think they cover much C# (I took the 2020 course and they didnt) but they do introduce you to C, C++, Python, html, etc. They provide github codespaces available for anyone for free, so you can complete the weekly labs and problem sets offered in the course. It really is a good jumping off point.
Be sure to regularly defrag your C: drive or things might slow down.
Learn rust for game dev, develop the game in rust, and then brag about how your game is written 100% in rust (nerds will be extremely impressed, for maximum clout release it under GPL V3 with native Linux support).
Then remake Rust in rust
But first you need to make a custom Risc-V CPU optimized for rust (and minimal memory leaks) and then port a custom Arch fork (completely rewritten in rust ofc) so you can run OxideFetch
gameplay doesn’t matter. If it’s written in rust it will automatically be fun.
I know a bit of python and ruby, but doing something similar except I’m writing it in BASIC on a Commodore 64 and am going to attempt to refactor it assembly. I have most of the BASIC version working now.
Code looks more terrifying than it actually is
After learning the basics of a programming language, you could try using a game engine like Unity or Godot to not have to code a lot of more complicated things like displaying things and collisions
Find a different career choice!
Software development is all stress all the time and I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing and I really don’t think this much stress at 34 is healthy even with the salary
I think your description covers many career choices in a capitalist society.
This… Is a very good point.
I think software development is a good career, but game development specifically is certainly not. It’s a fine hobby though. Also, learning development through a hobby is fine.