For me it’s Karl Urban, Angelica Houston, Ryan Gosling, Tilda Swinton, Gary Oldman, and Jeff Bridges. Honorable Mention to Weird Al Yankovich.
Willem Dafoe. The man has never delivered a bad performance
And boy some of them are WILD. Maybe even most. LOL
It was Heath Ledger.
Now I’m just sad :(
Man, A Knights Tale is just so good. Where I first saw Paul Bettany and Alan Tudyk.
I’m trudging
We shall grieve together.
Henry Cavill
Yup. I’m a straight man, but he is objectively beautiful. Also a very good (underated?) actor.
Tom Cruise, Christian Bale, Jake Gylenhaal
Tom Cruise gets a lot of hate, but he’s an amazing actor.
Cruise is one of those actors who is good if the role is within his range. I think it’s fair to say he is an okay actor at best, but AMAZiNG for choosing his roles.
I feel like Cruise and especially in his latter years has really gotten a knack for understanding good scripts in the Action/SciFi genre. If he decides to be in the movie, it’s a good chance it’s going to be good. Edge of Tomorrow, THM, MI have been excellent.
Mads Mikkelsen
My first choice would be Leonardo DiCaprio.
First of all he is a great actor, who consistently delivers good performances. But besides that he is also very picky with his projects, while at the same time apparently getting offered almost everything Hollywood has to offer. So I know it’ll also be a strong script.
Unlike for example Nicolas Cage who can definitely act, but over his career has taken on a mixed bag of movies.
True, but there are also few people who have been in the sheer VOLUME of films that Nicholas Cage has.
Yes, and he arguably always seems to try and not just phone it in occasionally (unlike many other stars with high output). But with high volume it just isn’t possible for everything to hit, which is why i couldn’t give him a blank check.
Mahershala Ali.
Christopher Walkin
Gary Oldman. Olivia Colman. Philip Seymour Hoffman. Cate Blanchett. Tommy Lee Jones. Charlize Theron. Val Kilmer. Emily Blunt. Lee Pace. Sydney Sweeney. Walton Goggins. Laura Donnelly.
Johnny Depp
Agreed on Karl Urban and Gary Oldman. Probably Tilda Swinton too.
Also Harry Dean Stanton, Sam Rockwell, Judi Dench, Anna Kendrick and Jean Reno. And likely more…
Ian Tracey.
He was doing mostly bit parts from what I’d seen (X-files, Highlander, Poltergeist: The Legacy, etc, etc) until I caught Intelligence (2005-2007) on early Netflix and from there on I was sold.
I then went back and caught the DaVinci’s stuff and enjoyed that.
Then he popped up in Sanctuary, Continuum, and Bates Motel. At this point I know anything I see him in, I’m going to enjoy without fail.
I really should get around to listing the actors whose names I see in the credits and automatically relax and start enjoying myself because I know it’ll be good. Matthew MacFayden and Keeley Hawes are two more.
Ed Norton
Man, I tried running through the list in my head, and most of them are dead. I’m getting fucking old.
Ed Norton is still alive. Steve Martin. Patrick Stewart. Ian Mckellan.
Fuck, that’s about it. And there’s no actresses alive on my list. Weeelll, maybe Susan Sarandon, but isn’t she semi officially retired? I think she is anyway. I guess you could count Helen Mirren, but I wouldn’t go see a movie just because she’s in it. I would, however, watch a movie that she’s in, even if it isn’t a movie I would otherwise be interested in.
If I use that criteria, you can add Ryan Reynolds to the list as well. I’ll give his stuff a watch just to see how it is, though I won’t go out and hit the theater just because he’s in something
I think dead ones can still count. I feel that way about Jimmy Stewart and Carrie Grant.
I feel that. Danny Kaye, Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor, and Bette Davis added to those are on my list. Hell, as cheesy as it is, John Wayne too. Not because he was always great, but even when he was just meh, he kinda worked anyway because his screen presence made up for the occasional bad movie.
Margot Robbie
Florence Pugh
Harry Styles
Tom Holland
Leonardo DiCaprio
Matt Damon
Eliot Page
Bella Ramsey