(Not including the reboot trilogy as that’s a different altogether topic)
I was recently in a mood to binge the first ten Star Trek films as I hadn’t seen any of them in several years, and I notice that the TOS films are better than the TNG films. Which is weird because when it comes to the tv series, I far prefer TNG and its spin-offs over TOS but when it came to the films, it’s the opposite. I love First Contact, and like Generations but Insurrection and Nemesis are pretty bad IMO, whereas the only TOS film I truly dislike is V. (My favorites are IV and VI) Was wondering what others here thought, I think this may be the standard opinion in fact.
As for why they’re better, I think for whatever reason the TOS movies feel more cinematic, whereas the TNG films were mostly trying to capture the TNG feeling and not as much be cinematic?
I think while Insurrection and Nemesis are widely agreed as bad next gen movies I would argue they’re better than the worst original movies.
If you can’t acknowledge Motion Picture as bad I don’t know that we can have the discussion on a solid base though.
STTMP theatrical release was gods-awful even in the 70s. The more recent directors cut actually salvages it. I rather like it these days.
I guess that’s why I like it now, saw the Directors Cut.
The soundtrack is probably the best part. I saw it in the theater a few months ago, and it blew my socks off. I only ever heard it on VHS with a mono tv speaker. I bought the vinyl a couple of weeks ago.
The music and the visuals are awesome in the film, at least this new version available
I had a 4 track reel to reel of Star Trek 2s soundtrack and I would play it on my dad’s kickass sound system. Still my favorite movie soundtrack followed closely by LOTR.
I used to despise Star Trek 1 but recently saw the HD Directors Cut version and loved it.
I’ll admit I haven’t seen that but it would have to be some impressive magic.
My wife has never managed to stay awake past the opening sweep around the Enterprise but I can’t say it really gets better.
@Doug @startrek That scene was pure fan service, and after a decade in the wilderness this fan at least *loved* it.
I’ve heard accounts both ways. I’m not quite old enough to have seen it new, but I’ve known people who said it was fantastic and people who said it was never better than it is now.
What is it people don’t like about Motion Picture? I haven’t watched it since I was a child.
I hated it as a kid because of its very slow pace and weirdness. Now I love it for its visual style and atmosphere and sci fi plot.
It’s slow with bad pacing. There’s are things that are obviously supposed to look impressive but even if they ever did (for which there’s disagreement between the nerds old enough to remember) it absolutely did not age well. Those are the obvious ones off the top of my head without having watched it in a few years.
I guess I’ll have to give this HD director’s cut a shot but I’m pretty skeptical.