• brygphilomena@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Shitty as it may sound, and as broken as the US political system is, our votes do count. Just not as much as they should.

    We need to vote Democrat until we have a viable option further left or that the right starts moving left to pull in voters forcing the Dems to go even further left. The more of us turn out and vote the more the Republican party is going to need to concede if they want to keep getting elected. I’m in a blue state so while my vote may not be the deciding factor I will still cast it for a left candidate so those on the right that do count the votes know that I want progressive policies and that they don’t represent me.

    I’d really like to see third parties focus on the local governments and build enough of a base that they can start competing at the state and national level. But sadly we aren’t there yet. We need to build that local movement first before voting third party in the presidential election makes sense.