Unity Backpedals on Its Horrible Plan for Game Install Fees Amid Developer Backlash::Unity CEO John Riccitiello reportedly sold thousands of shares of stock in the weeks ahead of the fee announcement.

      • Ada
        01 year ago

        I don’t know whether you care about the specifics, but just in case you do…

        Selling stock you own before a price drop isn’t selling short. Insider trading yes, but not selling short.

        Selling short requires you borrow stock you don’t own and then sell it, with a promise to purchase it later. If you know a price drop is coming, then you make money on the fact that you’ve sold it at a higher price than you need to pay to purchase it.

        • Alien Nathan Edward
          11 year ago

          The comment I was replying to said “sell/short”, either being strategies to protect yourself when you’ve got insider info that your company is about to hemorrhage money.