When I was working minimum wage at a gas station many eons ago, we would have ‘2 for $x’ specials where x is less than 2 times the individual price of whatever item.

People would often not want to buy 2, but I would ring up 2 in the till for the special price and charge them for the single. Then when the next person did the same, I would charge them for the other single.

So over the day, I would sell 10 energy drinks at say $4, but ring them up as 5 ‘2 for $6’ specials. This would put the till up by $10, and then I would use that $10 to have a free meal.

Anyone else do anything like that?

  • shastaxc
    51 year ago

    My dad’s friend took me out around midnight one night when I was a freshman in college. We went by a gas station that closes at midnight and the workers just gave him like 30 donuts that didn’t sell. Apparently he does this at least once a week lol. They had the donuts already in a bag waiting for him when we walked in, and all knew him by name. It’s a great life hack. I think the secret to making it work is actually making the workers like you. Gotta spend a few minutes for fun conversation before they give you free stuff.

    • @orcaA
      41 year ago

      That’s awesome. Just gotta build a little rapport and you’re golden. So many places throw so much food away. It’s sad. When I did Food Not Bombs years ago, we would get entire bags of leftover baked goods from a local place. They’d give us literal trash bags worth of bagels, donuts, pastries, all wrapped up. Some grocery stores have gotten strict and won’t give that stuff away anymore, but you can still find the right people that don’t give a shit about the rules.