More concerning than Bethesda’s decision to withhold early review codes from certain outlets is how heavily some sites are relying on the game to drive their business.

  • Neato
    1410 months ago

    I bet you’d complain about your new car having roll up windows or no ac. Times have changed and we can do better. Especially with their budget and 6 years. It’s pathetic.

      410 months ago

      yeah the half a second to 2 second loading screens are horrible. any game with loading screens i immideately uninstall

      • Neato
        110 months ago

        This shows you’ve missed the point and haven’t researched the game.

        It’s all the animation transitions between space and ground. No Man’s Sky had fifteen developers and accomplished this years ago. Bethesda is pathetically incompetent.

          210 months ago

          no mans sky had deep quests and deep conversations with unique characters? and they also used creation engine? i had no idea no mans sky was so brilliant! youve changed my mind!

          • Neato
            110 months ago

            Bethesda doesn’t have deep quests either. The creation engine is a weight around the devs necks. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say but you’re making my points for me.