Shitposter while I tend to two babies. Maybe when I have my life back, I’ll help us get a few more niche communities back?

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • If it makes you feel better, just today out my window on a boulevard, a fuckton of angry teenagers were marching down the street with with Mexican and American flags chanting fuck ICE. I personally don’t think they should skip school over a protest, but there’s a lot of fight left in the world, even if it’s not here on Lemmy.

    That said, idk if it’s recent news making me personally tired. I already have a 1 year old doing that, it’s pretty bad timing for me to save the world. But you, keep fighting.

  • 77 year old who has been in the house since the 90s. Actually a prime example of why we need term limits and real competition in elections (if not from GOP, at least in primaries). Irony is she reps a district that isn’t really associated with streaming or producing movies.

    My guess? She won her primary because she was the incombent or was unopposed, but she probably receives cash from the film industry. Almost all house seats are uncompetitive unless someone drops out or gets redistricted. Until something changes, this is and will be the way our government continues to work.

  • Dragon Quest 9 on DS (emulated). Prior to this I was playing Kingdom Hearts Recoded also on DS (emulated). My recommendation is to enjoy what retroachievements does to your old favorites, lol (can’t wait for DOSBox integration).

    I’m generally a PC gamer but I was playing the steam ports of Kingdom Hearts (they are bad ports) and now I’m just emulating things. Can you believe those lunatics lumped 4 games of achievements into a single set without any order? There’s even duplicate names for things, it’s a wildly sloppy port, lol. Not recommended.

  • I’m a professor who uses OER materials too; I might have bit off more than I can chew this semester since a new class of mine lacks a free textbook and I said, to hell with it, and am curating weekly readings from stuff I can get off EBSCO our campus pays for. So far it’s solid but I didn’t have time to prep it all in advance so it’ll be a wild ride every weekend!

    I think I figured out a sneaky solution though; I made an assignment to had students find and report on an article for 5 to 10 minutes of class. They get real practice for grad school and I get crowdsourced sources. Win win!

  • Hot take, but I see it having a market for people who just want to play on a tablet dedicated to gaming without futzing with peripherals. During break I stole my daughter’s tablet to play Gameboy games and it was possibly better than my deck (lighter weight, bigger screen, and shaders that give it a pixel grid w/ a GBC border frame).

    This big thing is still not for me, though, as I’d prefer the versatility of going portrait mode because I would likely use it as a 3DS emulator depending on how good the touch is. DS screens fit quite comfortably on tablets in portrait mode. (Assuming I even have the disposable income, which I do not).