It probably would have dominated the market for a good while if Sony hadnt taken so long to ship mini disk storage drives for computers.
It probably would have dominated the market for a good while if Sony hadnt taken so long to ship mini disk storage drives for computers.
Also, that’s our drinking water you’re turning into fuel.
I guess that would matter, if anyone actually used Bing.
I wonder if disconnecting the car’s cell antenna would prevent this crap from loading.
Does this car have Android Auto/Carplay? Hopefully while that is active you can’t see the ad either.
Gotta keep you on that upgrade cycle so you eventually have to buy a new phone. $$
Changing their diet works just as well and is probably cheaper.
If you want to vax your livestock, how about giving them a bird flu vaccine instead?
This isn’t going to happen. I’m not sure what the UK is expecting here.
Plastics like this are getting burned at electricity-generating plants now instead of going straight to the landfill.
Also, most Nike stores will recycle the foam shoe sole into something else if you bring it in (like running track or playground surfacing).
Sure you can. Fight online propaganda with online propaganda.
I look forward to seeing the CGI worm body with Timothy Chalmet’s head atop it.
The only good Dune book is the first book. So it will be interesting to see how this turns out.
We could always bring back the 8 Track Tape!
Trump is running out of hairs for his comb over.
Lobbying used to be illegal in the US. Can you believe it?
I wish I could speak multiple languages. I’m envious of people who have this skill. I’ve tried repeatedly to learn other languages and I still struggle. The education system in the US has failed so many of us on this front
Didn’t Paramount+ make a whole mini series about the making of the Godfather?
I read the article. I didn’t see anything “tricky”. Just a lot of weak excuses.
People can’t behave themselves in public. Even more so on airplanes.
“Climate change doesn’t exist if we don’t talk about it.”