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Cake day: October 22nd, 2023

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldHail his most 'Unholy'
    7 hours ago

    You can love and respect someone while thinking that that one belief is really stupid

    I completely agree! However, it is entirely irrelevant because the original claim wasn’t that they thought someone was stupid. They said they actively thought less of them and then mocked them for having the permanent mindset of a child. Your point doesn’t cover that level of immature hostility.

    You cannot claim to be a friend of someone while openly believing they are less than you and mocking their entire mental state and world view. The behavior is contradictory to what a friend actually does. You are not a friend in that case, you’re just a shitty person who is pretending to be someones friends while (no matter what you say) treating them less than you would treat someone like yourself.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldHail his most 'Unholy'
    7 hours ago

    It’s funny because when I know that someone judges someone else over personally held beliefs so intensely that they think less of them, I tend to think less of that first person. We all live lives differently. If they’re not impacting yours, who cares? If they believe in something you don’t, who cares?

    You talk about being stuck with the mindset of a 5 year old for believing in something in their own lives. But real adults just live their lives and don’t run around judging by their own personal metrics. Real adults also certainly don’t care when someone runs around saying “YOU’RE A CHILD”.

    And yeah, I’m not sorry for that one.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldHail his most 'Unholy'
    8 hours ago

    We have read what you had to say. The problem is that you’re making sweeping generalizations based off of personal experience and leaning heavily into some confirmation bias to try and prove your point. Even in saying that it is just Texas, you’re basing it off of faulty logic. You are judging the actions of a group at large by the experiences that you have had with a minority. That is, unless you want to claim that you’ve met the majority of Christians in Texas and they were all actively showing unprovoked homophobia, which isn’t a claim you can reasonably make.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldHail his most 'Unholy'
    8 hours ago

    Yeah exactly. There are shitty people on all sides. Some shitty people are gonna capitalize on what they can. That doesn’t devalue the ton of good people who are just trying to live their lives as good people. It’s unfair to judge them by the actions of others within that group. It is just outright discrimination and just… is shitty. I’m not about to sit here as a gay man and scream about being unfairly judged while doing the same thing to another entire group. I’ll pass.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldHail his most 'Unholy'
    7 hours ago

    And, like I said, there are still going to be plenty of people who don’t say a thing and just are kind/polite throughout their lives to you. Do they not count?

    The loud ones are noticable because they’re loud. The good ones just don’t make noise because there isn’t noise to be made. They just go about their lives.

    I’m also not ‘lecturing you on your experience’ as anyone living anywhere. I’m simply saying that judging an entire group of people by the loud ones who are negative isn’t helping anyone. The bad Christians gonna get angy because they angy little creatures no matter what they believe in and the good Christians are getting slapped for no reason and then you’re frustrated because you feel like everyone from that group hates you so you’re always up on edge. I speak on that last part being from experience.

    For the record, I’m an autistic gay man who is from rural Newfoundland (religious as fuck), lived in Alberta (even more religious as fuck and often called Canada’s Texas) and was openly outed by my mother as being gay before someone stabbed me over it. Just because you’ve gone through shit doesn’t mean that other people haven’t either.

    Edit: It is genuinely concerning how so many of you are so willing to use blatantly bigoted lines of thought to hate a group. It is funny. You complain about Christians as a group being ghouls while failing to recognize that you’re in the same camp. You’re doing the same thing they are. You’re just hypocrites but without a single excuse to fall back on. Just truly, truly shitty people.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldHail his most 'Unholy'
    8 hours ago

    My guess is that you have countless times but just never knew it. The good Christians are people who believe what they believe, take those lessons to heart and try to help other people to just help people. They don’t do it looking for praise or for people to join their Church. They do it because they want to be a good person. Because they care about other people. They may have learned that lesson differently or adapt the lesson plan to their own life but they’re just people who want to be good people. That’s it. They don’t normally wear a badge on their sleeve that says “I’m a Christian!”

    One of my best friends is a Christian. I’m not, I’d call myself more of an apatheist. I’ll find out what happens when I die but until then there isn’t a point worrying about it. I’m just going to try to live a life I can be proud of. Doesn’t mean I’ll get it right all the time and I might fuck up a lot but i’m trying. Christians just do the same thing, they just have an extra boost in their life. Me and my friend have never really talked about religion because we don’t need to. I’m aware of the fact that he’s religious just like he’s aware of the fact that I’m not. Same way I know he doesn’t care for curling but that I enjoy it.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldHail his most 'Unholy'
    7 hours ago

    Eh. Depends on the Christian. Same with every group of people, you’re always gonna have a mixed bag of people who are good, people who are bad and people who are just existing. The bad ones are just louder.

    Edit: It is genuinely concerning how so many of you are so willing to use blatantly bigoted lines of thought to hate a group. How you’re defending blatant discrimination and bigotry. It is funny. You complain about Christians as a group being ghouls while failing to recognize that you’re in the same camp. You’re doing the same thing they are. You are just as bad as the thing you’re complaining about but you don’t have an excuse to try and fall back on. You aren’t doing it because you misunderstood a book. You’re doing it because you’re hateful little bigots.

    You’re embarassments. Children screaming into the night about other Children. Grow the fuck up, the both of you.

  • There was a dude at a store a few months back who was wearing a hoodie with the Foundation logo on it. After making the purchase when putting the card away I saw the ID and pulled it out. Said “Keep up the good work and we’ll see about those incentives.” I’ve never seen a person look both confused and ecstatic at the same time before lol

  • She won’t leave me the fuck alone. I love her but today she has been super sooky and desperate for attention. Like coming in and out of the office every 10-15 minutes to meow, paw at me or suddenly jump on my shoulders while I’m in the chair. Strange as hell considering 2 weeks ago she just didn’t jump up on me at all. No idea what changed. I don’t mind the walking on me but I’d like 5 minutes of peace.