DEI is the new CRT is the new reverse racism is the new politically correct is the new welfare queen is the new communism.
CRT? What’s wrong with cathode ray tubes?
Critical Race Theory.
none of these words are in the bible
Glad to see a publication pushing back on the recent asinine comments and behaviors from CI.
I am really good at not buying games from chud studios, I can just play Dark Souls forever, don’t try me.
Fucking come on…
If your motivated by fear of right wing backlash maybe you’ll be motivated by a left wing backlash you spinless fucking turds.
Like I feel they should want right wing nuts to be mad about the game. They won’t stop talking about media that are mad about and so many conservatives will still buy the thing even just to destroy it and virtue signal to the other idiots.
The left? Some may still buy it, but most don’t talk about it at all. The idea of “go woke go broke” has always been a message of intent, not reality, at least in the modern era.
Nothing makes me want to try a game or watch a show more than legitimate, non surface level representation that incels whine about.
As much as I don’t care for DEI as a guiding “doctrine” for hiring, I also think companies shouldn’t be anti-diversity by law. Like intentionally hiring people because they aren’t white, no (and feels like tokenism/racism) but also intentionally hiring only whites (or the majority race) is a bigger no. Especially if more qualified candidates are being passed over solely because they’re PoC. Also companies should be inclusive so as to not be shit companies in general? Can someone tell me if/why my take is dumb or poorly thought out?
Because DEI is intended to (and very often successful at) help hire the most qualified people. No one is color blind, and pretending people are only perpetuates inequality.
I guess I was hoping for something a bit more rigorous but still your reply makes sense. Thanks for the input.
DEI is the reason phones can take pictures of black people now. Once Google started hiring more black people, they could make changes to the software that used to always default to trying to adjust exposure for white skin. Now everyone’s skin tone looks good on Google phones. And all because Google hired a few black people who actually knew it was a problem in the first place.
The same goes for any representative technology. The internet didn’t just start working for blind people automatically. Companies had to start hiring blind people before they knew it was an issue. We had a blind engineer come in to our team at Google and tell us how shitty our product was for him to use and how to fix it. Most people wouldn’t think a blind man could be a good software engineer, but he helped us make our product work for millions of additional people that wouldn’t have been able to use it otherwise.
Everyone has different experiences, and just because someone knows how to build what you tell them to doesn’t mean they can make a good product. It’s only when you have diverse input throughout product development that the product you make will truly be good.
Hell yeah, thanks a lot for taking the time to spoon feed my ignorant butt. Very informative reply, thank you. I guess a reply would be “that can be done without DEI” but then that just circles back to your no one is colourblind remark. If google wasn’t diverse organically without DEI, I don’t have much optimism other corporations would be.
Piggy backing off of this, the DEI council at my job ensures that everyone has what they need to succeed in their role. For example, the All Gender restroom didn’t have feminine sanitary products which was troublesome for some of our non binary staff. Instead of forcing them to use the women’s bathroom, we installed a dispenser in the All Gender restroom.
Also, many of the field employees shower at the office after their shift because it’s dirty work. But the shower facilities were just one big room, high school style, which made several LGBTQ employees uncomfortable. We pushed for individual shower stalls as a DEI effort and now everyone feels more comfortable showering.
These are things that straight, white, cis people probably wouldn’t think of. The DEI council allows minority voices to be heard.
This is a lovely and illustrative example.
I posted above a few studies that show unconscious bias in hiring practices against people of color. There is a reason why DEI exists. It’s like OSHA laws. Every rule for these programs has a great misfortune behind it.
Neat! I didn’t see that, I’ll give them a read.
It’s like OSHA laws. Every rule for these programs has a great misfortune behind it.
A very succinct way of phrasing it. Cheers for that and for posting the studies.
Nothing screams, “I’m a piece of shit”, like basically putting on blast you are a piece of shit. I, too, never fully agreed with DEI as a whole. But I understand and appreciate the context and the point, and the necessity. It’s nothing to be mocked.
I also don’t look at the video game industry for inspiration though. Somehow the video game industry has a more rape-y and toxic culture than even the grimiest hockey dressing room. All that incel rage, I suppose.
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Did you even read the article? DEI is about hiring practices, not game content.
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You don’t care about the people or industry producing them as long as you get shiny new product?
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Cool story bro. Anyway …
"Numerous studies demonstrate that without fair hiring practices in place, certain groups of people are often favored over others due to unconscious biases.
A study by the University of Chicago and the University of California, Berkeley found that applicants with white-sounding names received 9% more callbacks compared to those with African-American-sounding names, despite having similar qualifications[1]. In some companies, this gap widened to nearly 19%[1].
Research from the UK showed that white candidates were favored in about 47% of hiring tests, with ethnic minority candidates needing to send twice as many applications to receive the same number of callbacks[6]. A more recent study by the University of Oxford found that candidates from minority ethnic backgrounds had to send 80% more applications to get the same results as white British applicants[6].
Gender bias has also been documented. A study on science faculty hiring revealed that identical applications randomly assigned male or female names resulted in men being rated as more competent and hireable, and even offered higher starting salaries[6].
These biases persist even in organizations committed to diversity. Research suggests that firms may unconsciously favor candidates from privileged backgrounds, such as those able to take unpaid internships, which introduces socioeconomic bias[7].
Without fair hiring practices, these studies consistently show that white candidates, males, and those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds tend to be favored in the hiring process, highlighting the need for interventions to reduce bias and promote equity in recruitment."
Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
That’s the thing though, these biases against people based on their ethnicity and gender already exist, whether the people doing the hiring realize it or not. The best people may lose out on job opportunities because of these qualities. The whole point of DEI is to compensate for these biases.
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Hi. You’ve gotten some very good responses from the community so I’m going to leave the thread up for now, but please be aware that pushing more will likely result in removal or a temp ban. Thanks.
“Guess that minority shouldn’t work there then. It’s a good thing we have fair, gainful, and plentiful employment where every company with a hiring bias is perfectly balanced out by another company with the opposite bias. I sure am glad our perfect egalitarian society ensures that the minority’s kids are fed clothed and housed until they find work at an exactly comparable company - with the same exact pay - that hires minorities.”
This isn’t unique to any company. This is systemic and pervasive through our entire culture and society. Countering it requires education and effort, not ignoring the problem and experiences of those it effects. The status quo is not a fair playing field.
That tells me you’re either a cishet, white, male, or you’re woefully uneducated and selfish. You’re totally in favor of development crunch too, aren’t you?
While it can be tempting (especially with posts like this one) if you cannot respond to a comment or post that is not be(e)ing nice in a productive manner, please just report it so that a moderator can deal with it.
It’s people like that guy that don’t understand that “bad culture fit” means “minority”.
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it’s only one studio, CI Games, based in Poland.
They’re all NFT based asset flips, aren’t they?
I don’t know if leaning into the Velma effect will be a profitable long-term play